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User:Int 80h/files/DOS 6.22 config.sys

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DOS 6.22 config.sys

;;;; config.sys -- DOS 6.22 -- vim: ft=config.sys
;; Maintainer  : Szymon 'polemon' Bereziak <polemon@gmail.com>
;; Last change : 2016-03-11

NUMLOCK    = on
DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\himem.sys
DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\emm386.exe NOEMS
DOS        = high, umb
BUFFERS    = 30, 0
STACKS     = 10, 256
FILES      = 50
FCBS       = 40, 0

DRIVPARM = /D:0 /F:7

MENUITEM = extend;  Engage all drivers + Memory Manager / Extender
MENUITEM = normal;  Engage all drivers (Video, CDROM, DOS Network, etc.)
MENUITEM = windows; Windows 3.11 profile (CDROM, Mouse, Windoes Network)
MENUITEM = savesnd; Save memory + CDROM + SB16
MENUITEM = savecd;  Save memory + CDROM
MENUITEM = savemem; Save memory (only Network, Mouse, 4DOS)
MENUITEM = nothing; Nothing
MENUDEFAULT = windows, 3

DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\display.sys CON=(EGA,,2)
DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\ansi.sys
DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\oakcdrom.sys /D:MSCD001
DEVICEHIGH = c:\windows\ifshlp.sys
;DEVICEHIGH = c:\windows\protman.dos /I:\WINDOWS
;DEVICEHIGH = c:\windows\dis_pkt.dos
;DEVICEHIGH = c:\windows\pcntnd.dos

include normal

DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\setver.exe
DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\display.sys CON=(EGA,,2)
DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\ansi.sys
include savesnd

DEVICEHIGH = c:\sb16\drv\csp.sys /UNIT=0 /BLASTER=A:220 I:5 D:1 H:5
include savecd

DEVICEHIGH = c:\dos\oakcdrom.sys /D:MSCD001
include savemem

DEVICEHIGH = c:\net\protman.dos /I:\NET
DEVICEHIGH = c:\net\dis_pkt.dos
DEVICEHIGH = c:\net\pcntnd.dos
SHELL = c:\4dos\4dos.com C:\4DOS\ /P

; literaly nothing