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I was born and raised in Haiti, I went to college in the U.S. in the 1970's and I did a sociological study on a Haitian rural community which led to a lifelong passion about Haitian history, genealogy, culture, geography and religion.

After settling back in Port-au-Prince in an industrial job, I continued to do research on our indigenous culture which led me to meet Estelle Beauvoir, a Haitian Vodoun practitioner who became my wife.

Until her untimely death in 2009 we built a wide (mostly unpublished) corpus of research on our common passion, Haiti. But, if she initially led our studies mainly on the subject of her religion (http://vodoun.com), we became more and more proficient and productive on the subjects of Haitian history and genealogy (http://geneal-haiti.com). When she passed away, as I faced the prospect of continuing the research without her, I came to the conclusion that I should concentrate on publishing what we had garnered and built upon over these years.

In the mean time, I am available to review the articles on subjects that I have knowledge about and that I can source.