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Hi whomever is reading this. For a little background on me I've been an active user of Wikipedia since 2012 (I'm aware this account was only created in 2020 but I have had accounts before that I have deleted because I set them up when young and dumb and did stupid stuff on ther egular on them, with shame I deleted those accounts.) I am from New Zealand for those of you wanting any personal information on me.

The reason why I have not only been on Wikipedia for so long but remained active is because I was genuinely blown away by the amount of useful stuff on here that I liked in my younger years (mainly military stuff but also things like cricket and football results from decades back to prove the old man wrong on a few things (; ). Nowadays it's the history of New Zealand politically and getting to know towns around here that I have never seen before (or sometimes never heard of) that I focus my time on here.

I would also like to apologise to those on computers reading this as you will most likely develop hernias reading this due to my poor formatting. I am as you can tell on my phone and that's all I have and I do not see a need for a computer at this time.

Published on the 24th of October 2020 (that was added by me, obviously but just in case)