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Understanding the reality of artificial intelligence or the overall potential of what it can become can't be comprehended just by anyone. The rise of AI over the past year, 2023, has created a new generation of technology. AI-related companies over $50 billion (about $150 per person in the US) just lasy year. Artificial intelligence has caught the attention of the entire world, especially in America. The United States government has stressed their concerns surrounding AI as they believe it could bring threats to the country's national security. Rival countries such as China and Russia have very developed hacking companies that are using AI to their advantage. Up-to-date news came out surrounding AI affiliated cyber-attacks that have been targeting infrastructure in the US. These attacks are incredibly significant in what could be the development of a whole new level of cyber-attacks and hacking. Concerns involving artificial intelligence are not just on a global scale, but on a national scale as well. With new generators produing intelligence and knowledge at a different and faster expense, once again artificial intelligence is producing more advanced options. However, newer developments of AI have concluded to potentially have a negative impact. Organizations like OpenAI and ChatGPT have had many difficulties with regulations. The development of ChatGPT has led many plagiarism and cheating accusations in schools across the United States. School boards have raised significant concern against ChatGPT as they believe the damage could be dentrimental to the youth in the future. The government has also raised its concerns against these companies regarding the research and development of AI and how it can be beneficial or cause harm to the country. The world surrounding artifical intelligence is scary as who know what it could lead to. The future is a mystery as this is all new to everyother being in the world. The political, cultural, and social effects are inevitable due to the increase of the use of artificial intelligence but it is the overall outcome it will have is what is most significant.