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User:Jade9999/Étienne Knoops

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Étienne Knoops, born in Marchienne-au-Pont on March 5, 1934, is a Belgian politician and a Walloon militant.

He was Professor Dupriez’s assistant at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, then top executive and then delegated administrator of MIROX company, transforming the glass and employing 375 people in the region of Charleroi. He is municipal councillor of PSC (Social Christian Party) for Charleroi from 1964 to 1968, then resigns from this party in order to join the Rassemblement wallon, being convinced about the inadequacy of the unitary structures of Belgian State.

Il est élu député puis sénateur de Charleroi sur les listes de ce parti et y demeurera élu de 1968 à 1976.