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My name is Aesthete. I subsist on music, dance, and metaphorical colorings. The piano is my torso, the work of Chardin is my synthesis, and the world is my stage. My life is an extended conceit of composition. I live to make. I am deeply rooted in my faith. The irreversible God to whom I rely is the vector for my work. My happy medium is external: when others find theirs jointly. My life retains no precedent. I just change the world.

My art form creates peace through entertainment. A run-around archetype states that music is how God hears the world: in the rawness of feeling. I have learned that music is our primal manifestation of pathos to one another. It captures, calculates, and harnesses the energies of love. If humankind would set aside its pursuit of mastering the winds, the waves, and tides of gravity and recognized music as the universal synthesis, there would be no wars. For instance, when I sit and listen to such delicacies as Massenet’s "Manon" or Donizetti’s "La Fille du Regiment," my frame of mind fuses into the French fancy, I am forthwith transported into uncloyed pleasure, and my entertained self is at peace. I endeavor to prolong and scatter this elixir of goodwill by pursuing it as a career, and I believe a conservatory education will auspiciously foster its growth within me. As a tenor vocalist, I may change the world through international interaction and passionate entertainment, upholding my duty as a humanitarian while enlivening the works of the musical heroes of history and the future.

My participation in music has amorously consumed my time, whether it occurs at my high school, my church, or elsewhere in Chicago. Music is my first and true love, and I am simply ecstatic at the places it continues to take me. At vocal competitions I may hear a nuance in my opponent's obscure aria that I adore, which impels me to download the piece from iTunes; or I may be practicing Debussy on a rainy day and start to dance. My life is a canon of these small moments of musical splendor, and applying music as an everyday activity just triples the fireworks.