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Kabir Shahani
Kabir Shahani

Lorenza Viola[1]is a theoretical physicist specializing in quantum information science.[2] She is an expert in Quantum Information Theory, Open Quantum systems, Quantum Control, Quantum Statiscal Mechanics, Entanglement and Topological Quantum matter.

Early life


[3]Lorenza attended the University of Trento in Italy at the year 1991 and obtained her Master's degree in Physics and a Ph.D in Theoretical Physics from the University of Padua also in Italy,1996.[4] She was a J.R. Oppenheimer fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory and a postdoctoral fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[5] In 2004, she joined Dartmouth College as an Associate Professor.[6] Lorenza was elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2014.[7]



Currently, Lorenza is serving as a[8] Partner Investigator with the Australian Research Council for the Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS).[9] She manages the Theoretical Quantum Information Science and Quantum Matter group at Dartmouth College. She is also serving as a Divisional Associate Editor for Physical Review Letters.[10]

Research Works In Progress[11]

  1. Robust control for quantum information processing, quantum noise spectroscopy, noisy quantum metrology
  2. Modeling and control of Markovian and non-Markovian open-system dynamics; quantum reservoir engineering
  3. Topological quantum matter and bulk-boundary correspondence; quantum phase transitions
  4. Entanglement and generalized entanglement; monogamy and shareability, quantum marginals
  5. Effectively open and open dynamics of quadratic fermionic and bosonic many-body systems

Selected Publications[12]

  1. Y. Sung, F. Beaudoin, L. M. Norris, F. Yan, D. M. Kim, J. Y. Qiu, U. von Luepke, J. L. Yoder, T. P. Orlando, S. Gustavsson, L. Viola, and W. D. Oliver, "Non-Gaussian noise spectroscopy with a superconducting qubit sensor,'' arXiv:1903.01043, Nature Communications, in press (2019).
  2. F. Beaudoin, L. M. Norris, and L. Viola, "Ramsey interferometry in correlated quantum noise environments,'' Physical Review A 98, Rapid Communication, 020102 (2018).
  3. V. M. Frey, S. Mavadia, L. M. Norris, W. de Ferranti, D. G. Lucarelli, L. Viola, and M. J. Biercuk, "Application of optimal band-limited control protocols to quantum noise sensing,'' Nature Communications 8, 2189 (2017).
  4. F. Ticozzi, L. Zuccato, P. D. Johnson, and L. Viola, "Alternating projections methods for discrete-time stabilization of quantum states,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63, 819 (2018).
  5. A. Alase, E. Cobanera, G. Ortiz, and L. Viola, "Generalization of Bloch's theorem for arbitrary boundary conditions: Theory,'' Physical Review B 96, 195133 (2017).  Selected as Editors' Suggestion.
  6. A. Alase, E. Cobanera, G. Ortiz, and L. Viola, "Exact solution of quadratic fermionic Hamiltonians for arbitrary boundary conditions," Physical Review Letters 117, 076804 (2016).  [13] 
  7. L. M. Norris, G. A. Paz-Silva, and L. Viola, "Qubit noise spectroscopy for non-Gaussian dephasing environments,'' Physical Review Letters 116, 150503 (2016).
  8. A. Poudel, G. Ortiz, and L. Viola, "Dynamical generation of Floquet Majorana flat bands in s-wave superconductors,"  Europhysics Letters 110, 17004 (2015).
  9. G. Paz-Silva and L. Viola, "General transfer-function approach to noise filtering in open-loop quantum control," Physical Review Letters 113, 250501 (2014).
  10. K. Khodjasteh, T. J. Green, J. Sastrawan, D. Hayes, M. J.  Biercuk, and L. Viola, "Designing a practical high-fidelity long-time quantum memory,'' Nature Communications 4, 2045 (2013).
  11. C. Ramanathan, P. Cappellaro, L. Viola, and D. G. Cory, "Experimental characterization of coherent magnetization transport in a one-dimensional spin system,'' New Journal of  Physics 13, 103015 (2011).
  12. K. Khodjasteh, D. A. Lidar, and L. Viola, Arbitrarily accurate dynamical control in open quantum systems,’’ Physical Review Letters 104, 090501 (2010).
  13. K. Khodjasteh and L. Viola, "Dynamically error-corrected gates for universal quantum computation," Physical Review Letters 102, 080501 (2009).
  14. R. Blume-Kohout, H. K. Ng, D. Poulin, and L. Viola, "Characterizing the structure of preserved information in quantum processes,'' Physical Review Letters 100, 030501 (2008).
  15. H. Barnum, E. Knill, G. Ortiz, R. Somma, and L. Viola, "A subsystem-independent generalization of entanglement,'' Physical Review Letters 92, 107902 (2004).


  1. ^ https://faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu//lorenza-viola
  2. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  3. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  4. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  5. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  6. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  7. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  8. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  9. ^ "Prof. Lorenza Viola | ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems". equs.org. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  10. ^ https://faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu/lorenza-viola
  11. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  12. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
  13. ^ "Lorenza Viola | Faculty Directory". faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu. Retrieved 2019-11-07.
