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User:Jay heisenburg

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi! I’m Jay Heisenburg (yes, the REAL Jay Heisenburg) and I am just so elated to finally join the wonder that is Wikipedia. For many years, my son would come up to me and say “Dad? Why aren’t you an editor on the world-renowned encyclopaedia; Wikipedia?” He was three years old at the time, he is now three-and-a-half. So I said to myself “Jay, you have to do this, not yourself but for little dum-dum JQshnxson (silent N)”. That is why I will strive to mildly improve some of Wikipedia with the help of my staff (you know what it is that I do to afford a personal staff with round-the-clock service). So, sit back and relax with your popcorn and your axe and enjoy the show. You know who else is on my staff? I’ll give you a hint; his last name was Walker. You know who it is? Yes that’s right, Paul Walker. My urologist. Unfortunately he passed away when I was 38... days late for my 4th birthday which is February 29th so do the math and minus whatever age you get by 2 and that’s how old you’ll need to be to figure out my age. I’m an enigma, folks and none of you can truly figure out who I am unless you came to 14 Cedar St. in Carson City, Nevada. The gate code (which is also the area code) is 89701. Be there. Just kidding about being there (that is my real address). Anyways, I better bounce, I don’t want to be late for this meeting I have with the council. Let’s hope it’s execution this time!