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My name is Jazi The Hedgehog. I am thirteen years old and born from the chaos emerald, like Nazo. Except I am one of the good guys. I now help Knux protect the chaos emerald. When I turned 5 I started to learn of my powers, the ability to harness chaos energy and use it to my advantages to fight enemies using chaos blast. It also gives me the ability to warp and communicate with the chao god; Chaos and the chao's. Knux considers me a gift, and part of his family. When I turned 7 I learned to control my anger and use it to my advantages, such as wipe out an entire army invading Angel Island. Soon I turned 8 and almost killed Sonic and Amy Rose, because I thought they were after the emeralds, turns out they were some of Knuckle's friends visiting. I got some really cool fashion advice from Amy and learned how to annoy people on certain occasions from Sonic, and also show off to my enemies. When I turned 10 Knux finally let me leave the island and get to know the world. From exploring I learned proper grammar, survival skills, aerobatics, martial arts, how to use a variety of weapons, polite manners and most of all charming men. When I turned 11 I met Rouge, she loves shiny things, such as the chaos emeralds and the master emerald. To lure her away I tricked her into leaving the island if I gave her a white chaos emerald, but instead I gave her a diamond. Nothing much happened when I turned 12 except that Knux threw me a surprise party.


World destruction


Sonic trying to kiss me

Amy's constant nagging

Rouge's attempts to kiss Knux


Amy's kindness

World peace

Relaxing on the master emerald

Protecting Angel Island

Knux (in a brotherly way)

Sonic (in a friend way)

Annoying Shadow


I went on one date with Scourge once.. eheh.. he is kinda cute. 😏


Sonic (only for a day before i realized how obnoxious he was)

Shadow (before he tried to kill me)

Scourge (still kinda have a crush 😏)


Pink headband with a bow

Pink Collar

Black boots

Pink short top sleeveless

Pink butt shorts

(Created by @MelTehWritah)
