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Tutorial: Week 3


Activity 1 - OLES2129 Article: List of Australian Prime Ministers

If I had created the article first, one of the first things I would have done is add a source as the original page has no indication to any source whatsoever. Secondly, I would have spellchecked and checked grammar and punctuation regardless of being the editor of the original article or the original author. The first word 'below' is spelt incorrectly which may ruin the credibility of the article (even though it is based on facts). Also including phrases such as 'see below' and 'see above' ruins the flow of reading for the reader. As the editor, I would have added the state as well as the city under 'Place of Birth' as the original article has an inconsistency of mentioning either the city, state or both for the place of birth for a number of people. I would have also altered the format by adding the years of birth and not the exact date of birth as the exact dates would be found in the individual pages for each minster and added those under the names of the prime minsters like in the present article. Similar edits would have been done to the terms in office.

Tutorial: Week 4


Monopolistic Competition changes:

- Added reliable source under first paragraph from problems which covers the two required citation requests.

Tutorial: Week 5


Tutorial: Week 6 (1100 - 1300 Class)


The lesson last week was helpful as a lot of tools were introduced on Wikipedia, particularly the introduction of the Visual Editor in Wikipedia which helped to make editing the article much easier including the addition of citations, images, links and different types of headings. Furthermore, various Wikipedia shortcuts were introduced which made it very handy to navigate across Wikipedia in a shorter amount of time and access certain pages withoout having to type the whole title of the article (which saves up time over the long run).