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Eumetics is the practical application of memetic engineering to enhancing quality of life.

The eumetics website explains:

Eumetics extends Korzybskian General Semantics using the conceptual tools of modern Memetics in order to develop practical methods for optimising Culture.



From eu meaning "good"; hence "good ideas". The subtitle "The Science of Good Ideas", is an ironic echo of "The Modern Science of Mental Health", which ties it into the fictionalisation. The equally ironic echo of eugenics is less intentional, but serves as valuable self-critique.



Eumetics is predicated on the idea that it is possible, by deliberately choosing (a mix of) particular "ways of looking at the world" — sets of ideas, beliefs and practices — at a societal level (in some senses, a kind of cultural Logical Positivism), individual and collective quality of life can be significantly enhanced. Eumetics concerns itself in areas such as Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution (cf. NPOV), Sovereignty, Individual vs Group analysis and the principles of Governance.



In the Alchemy Cycle, Sarah Bennett uses eumetic principles to construct her religion Xianity. Her influence on the development of the concept from late 2005 is apparent in such statements as:

At its most expansive Eumetics is a Theory of Everything with a Cosmogeny, Ethics and an ongoing Self-optimisation process. At its simplest, it is the conviction that this is not "as good as it gets".

Contention over and variant perspectives on whether Xianism is a world-saving religion, a diabolic cult, an overblown self-help course or a viral marketing trick are a recurring theme in the Cycle.

See Also
