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Jill Gordon


Hello, I'm Jill Gordon, a museum professional and graduate student at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. I work at the world's largest children's museum, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis as the Public and Youth Programs Coordinator. This work includes creating programming for Public Events and exhibit openings, as well as leading the Museum Apprentice Program (MAP) a hands-on volunteer program for teenagers 13-18 years old. In my spare time I am pursing a Master's Degree in Museum Studies.

I have worked in the museum field for eleven years and my professional interests include connecting communities and museums together in mutual partnerships, advocating for creative hands-on informal education, and developing interesting and thought provoking activities for our many programs and exhibit topics. My professional background includes seven years as the Curator at The Johnson County Museum of History in Franklin, Indiana, undergraduate degrees in Anthropology and a Museum Studies certificate, and experience with collections management. The future of museums is wide open to creative exploration and I look forward to seeing how institutions adapt to the changing needs of their patrons.

Personally I enjoy listening to music, looking at art I wish I could create, and watching tv to unwind. Spending time with friends is always high on my list of things to do. I am a major foodie and love baking and cooking. If inspired by a plate of colorful food, I will snap a photograph. I love traveling and enjoy visiting Paris the most, a city that makes me relax!



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Luminary Sculpture