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Me...As of right now


Hi. I'm John Colton Kerpoe and this is my wikipedia profile. I am a college freshman attending Georgia Southern University. It is located in Statesboro, Ga. You wont find much in statesboro besides the university a few bars, and a walmart, but It feels as if everything in the city was made for us, the students of the university. The college is the town and I love that.

Course of study


I am a mechanical engineering major here at Georgia southern. I am not one hundred percent positive that i am going to stick with this major, I reall only chose it because I have strengths in math and science. One subject I am interested in is psychology but I do not feel i can deal with crazies all day long, also most psychologists have a horrible salary unless they are famous. Right now I am in no rush to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life, I'm just going to let it come to me. But above all I want to do something I love while making enough money in order to be able to travel the world one day.

Hobbies, Passions, Dreams, Etc.


For the most part I am a laid back, chill, go with the flow kinda guy. Who would of guessed that one of the things i like to do most is to get away from everything and go fishing. What I like most about fishing is not the actual activity but the peacefulness I feel while standing on the bank looking out onto the water. I can sit there and just ponder all day about problems in my life, world wonders, outer space and beyond(the beyond part really gets my mind in a jumble), and anything that pops in my head. I love to think about things and fantasize so fishing is a fitting activity. Do not get me wrong though when I get a bite while fishing my mind is on the action. I immediately respond with a jerk of my rod and if he is hooked then it is an all out battle between me and the fish. Once reeled in I'll take a picture and release him back to the water. One of the most satisfying feelings in the world I think is the one experienced right after reeling in a fish. I have a ritual right after I catch my first fish of the day. I throw in a pinch of citrus skoal(but only after i catch my first fish, no sooner no later) and keep on fishing.

Personal experience with Wikipedia


My college English professor has opened me up to the world of Wikipedia. My first contributions were some small edits here and there such as fixing spelling errors and gramatical errors on random articles that called for revising.But I Also made a selection of edits adding new and relevant information to topics in my knowledge base. After that I created my own Wikipedia article called RNDC(Republic National Distributing Company). Now I am dedicating my time while on wikipedia to revising, updating, and improving my article so it may be of better use to it's viewers.

Relationship to technology


Throughout my childhood my father has always had the most up to date computer in the house at all times. His interest in computers naturally sparked my interest in them. I used to sit next to him and just watch him surf the internet, download programs, and fix any problems the computer was having.I must have just learned through watching him because I am pretty computer savvy. I can do more on a computer than the average individual that doesn't even know how to fix their wireless internet connection settings. I'm great with Microsoft word, and I know a few html codings. I am no tech wizard but I feel confident with my computer skills and comfortable communicating with technology and trusting important things to technology.

I think the internet is the best invention of all time, because it has all the worlds information consolidated into one location so that you can access it with efficiency and ease.

Opinions about Wikipedia


Ever since I first learned about Wikipedia I have used it for almost everything. I have written whole papers using nothing but information off of Wikipedia. I have always trusted that the information on Wikipedia is correct and updated. I like the fact that anyone can create an article on Wikipedia, but not every article is worthy of a spot therefore you must present a quality product to have your article remain. I have defended Wikipedia's reliability in the past and will continue to because I believe it is a great resource with an unlimited amount of information available all in one site at the click of a button.



I was born in the United States, specifically in Dallas, TX. Therefore I am a native speaker and writer of American English. In high school I took Spanish classes up to level 4. This was not a easy task to accomplish. However, I don't want to fool anyone into thinking I can do something I cannot. I have the ability to understand the Spanish language, but I do not have the ability to hold a conversation in Spanish or to contribute to Spanish-English translations on Wikipedia.

Elevens in Heaven


I would like to deicate this section of my Wikipedia profile to my dear beloved best friend in the world James Garrett Reed. Me and Garrett did everything together. He was the truest friend I have ever had. One thing I liked most about him is that he was true to everyone. If he had something to say to you he would be straight up and say it to you, not behind your back. He died when he was only sixteen years old and it has been one of the hardest things to deal with in my life. I will never forget him. I will never forget how great of a friend he was, I will never forget the moments we spent together. They were the best of my life.