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Article Evaluation: Hail Mary Pass

The articles information was relevant and had good description of history and everything throughout, but it could've been more organized in my opinion. Also there needs to be information added to the article, because it lists the major hail-mary passes throughout history of football but it is missing Aaron Rodgers clutch game winning or game saving hail-marys that he has thrown throughout the past couple of years. Also the Minnesota Miracle from last seasons NFL playoffs needs to be added to this list as well because it was one of the most well known plays. Not much more needs to be added frankly, it is a short yet effective article describing what the pass is and what it achieves throughout the game of football.

The article seems to be neutral. While there seems to be some bias in the talk section, the article itself is not biased. This is mostly because it just needs to state facts about the game and what exactly the pass achieves. They give a long lists of all the hail-mary passes that have been completed throughout the history, not highlighting just one team or one specific moment in order to portray the whole type of pass.

The links in the article to cite its sources do work and go to what they describe in the article. They all back what is being proven and are not biased themselves either. Each fact, player or significant moment are all cited reliably and have correct sources to back them as well.

In the talk page it mostly the authors talking about first hand experiences of them going to football games themselves and describing their understanding and love for the game together. As well as this they let one another know what they are going to edit and their opinions on what people have added to the article as well. It is rated as a C-Class article and was given a mid-importance status on Wikipedia. Along with this it is a part of the WikiProject American Football. This article differs from the way we talk in class because there is not a lot of conflicting sides to the story, rather it is more set in stone facts of how the pass came along in the game of football. In a way there is a point where you could say sides conflict and that is where they discuss where exactly the pass started, but it is not much of a conflicting arguement or of much importance.