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User:Jnn019/Communication accommodation theory/Dogsaregoodpets Peer Review

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User:Jnn019/Communication accommodation theory
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Communication accommodation theory

Evaluate the drafted changes


I feel that the lead to the expanded section of gender differences was a concise description of the aspects of CAT that separate men and women. The added information in this section gives the reader another dynamic of the CAT theory to be considered, in addition to discussions about cultural differences and generational differences. The added information does not appear biased or opinionated. Because the original Wikipedia page does not offer much information on gender differences, the additions made here are beneficial to readers.

Some ways to add to this section could include a few examples. It would be interesting to know in what ways women tend to be more accommodating, and men tend to be less accommodating in a conversation. Is nonverbal communication a factor in accommodation? Do women tend to encourage others to speak so as to elicit more conversation from the other person? Does the status between speakers change the usual behaviors of men and women?