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User:John Cummings/Surveying sources/European Investment Bank blog

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General Information

Name of reference source European Investment Bank blog
General description The Blog of the European Investment Bank covering information about their projects as well as detailed information a range of topics written by experts.
Topics Climate and environment, Development, Innovation and skills, SMEs, Infrastructure, Cohesion
Online link if available https://www.eib.org/en/press/all/index.htm?q=&sortColumn=startDate&sortDir=desc&pageNumber=0&itemPerPage=10&pageable=true&language=EN&defaultLanguage=EN&mediaTypes=press-release&mediaTypes=media-new&mediaTypes=media-speech&mediaTypes=generic-video&ormediaTypes=true&yearFrom=&yearTo=&orMediaTypes=true&orTags=true&orCountries=true&orRegions=true&orSubjects=true
Type of source Blog
Single or group of sources Group
Publisher European Investment Bank
Wikidata item if available for publisher
Wikidata item if available for source


Work done


Assess COVID sources and Climate and Environment sources

Work to do


Assess Development, Innovation and skills, SMEs, Infrastructure, Cohesion sources