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Feleke Tadele, PhD

Dr Feleke Tadele

An Ethiopian born, social scientist and a seasoned international development leader championing and shaping global development agendas surrounding social justice, child rights, gender justices, civil society movement, indigenous knowledge, international migration and development-induced displacement.

Early Life

Born in town of Ambo, former Hagere Hiwot Awarja, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia from his father Ato Tadele Kelkil and Mother, w/z Yemegnushal Ashenafi on 28 August 1965. He was raised in Selale, North Shoa, Wichale Woreda and grown up in Nazareth town, East Shoa, Oromia National Regional State with Christian values.

Family Life

Married with his wife Mrs. Meseret Bihonegn with a civic marriage and grand cultural celebration in October 1997 and has four children: Rediet Feleke (Born, 1998), Yonatan Feleke (Born, 1999), Betselot Feleke (Born, 2014) and Amran Feleke (born, 2008)

Professional Qualifications

Feleke completed his PhD in Development Studies from South Africa University. He received his M.A degree in Social Anthropology (with great distinction) and his BA in Applied Sociology (with distinction) both from Addis Ababa University. He was a research fellow at Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University in United Kingdom in 1998. He served as Research Fellow of the Wellbeing in Developing Countries Research Project of University of Bath, United Kingdom. He was an associate fellow for South Africa –Research Chair in Development Education and an associate of Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.

Career History

Feleke has dedicated most of his career to serve humanity and improve the lives of the most marginalized social groups across the world. He is currently serving as the Global Director for International Program Operations, Social Policy, Effectiveness and Resources Management of Children Believe (former Christian Children Fund of Canada) out of its Toronto Office in Canada. He has served as the Country Director of HelpAge International in Ethiopia, where he has been proactive in the design of the National Social Protection Policy and the piloting of Social Cash Transfer Program, which had been implemented jointly with UNICEF. Prior to this, he served as the Country Representative of Oxfam- Canada in Ethiopia Program and significantly worked with 18 Ethiopian Implementing partners on joint eco-friendly community based tourism, Asset Based Community Development, Economic Development/Livelihoods, Gender and Development Initiatives, Social Protection, Humanitarian Responses, Health and Wellbeing. Earlier to the post of Oxfam, Feleke has served as the Regional Program Manager- East Africa and the Country Director of Save the Children Canada based in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Feleke also worked for Oxfam GB, CARE-USA and Save the Children-UK and Norway at various senior management positions in Ethiopia, the Former Soviet Union (Covering Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and East Africa countries (Kenya, South Sudan, the Sudan, Uganda).

Voluntary Services and membership:

Feleke has provided voluntary services and led various reputable non-governmental organizations, professional associations and think-tanks. He was the President of the Ethiopian Sociology, Social Anthropology and Social Workers Association for two consecutive terms. He also served as the Vice President of the Ethiopian Red Cross Society; and Chair of the Executive Board of the Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Assocation, Ethiopia. He is the member of the global expert on Disaster Risk Management Group of UN, International Sociological Association, Canada- International Development Studies Association. the Association for Disaster Risk Management; Organization for Social Sciences Research in Eastern and Southern Africa; Forum for Social Studies; Ethiopian Society of Appropriate Technology. He is also the advisory board member for the publication of the Gender and Development- Oxfam International Journal and the Civil Society Journal of CCRDA.

Research and Publications:

  1. Feleke Tadele (2019). The Inclusion of Most Vulnerable Social Groups and Children in Difficult Circumstances in National Development in Ethiopia (FSS Publication), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  2. Feleke Tadele (2017). Impact Assessment and Social Safeguarding of a World Bank Financed Tourism and Private Sector Development Project in Ethiopia (conducted for GOE/WB).
  3. Feleke Tadele (2015). Review of the Social Policy Environment and Poverty Reduction Programs for Older People and People with Disability (conducted for FSS).
  4. Feleke Tadele (2015). Civil Society and Societal Transformation in Africa: The Case of Ethiopia, Amazon.
  5. Meseret Bihonegn and Feleke Tadele (2015). Review of Economic Re-Integration of Returnee Migrant Workers in Ethiopia. (A study conducted for ILO).
  6. Feleke Tadele and Sophia Mohammed (2013). Review of Community Based Cash Transfer and Revolving Fund Facilities for Orphan and Vulnerable Children and Older People as Mechanisms for Increasing the Social Security of Older People in Ethiopia. ESSSWA Annual Conference. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia.
  7. Feleke Tadele (2012). Evaluation of the Arizona University Capacity Building Partnership with Bahir Dar University on MA Program in Disaster Risk Management.
  8. Feleke Tadele (2012). Final Evaluation of the Dutch Red Cross Society Partnership Program with Ethiopian Red Cross Society on Community Based Rehabilitation and Resilience Building Initiatives in Ethiopia (Conducted for DRCS).
  9. Feleke Tadele (2010). The Relevance of Sociological Studies and Training for Social Realities, Development Policy and Practice in Ethiopia, Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology. ISA. http://www.ios.sinica.edu.tw/cna/download/1a_Tadele.pdf .
  10. Feleke Tadele and Manyena, Bernard (2009) Building disaster resilience through capacity building in Ethiopia. Disaster Prevention and Management, 18 (3).
  11. Feleke Tadele (2006). Migration, Labor Markets and the Informal Sector:www.eeaecon.org
  12. Feleke Tadele(2006),. "Livelihood and the Dynamics of Migration in Rural Ethiopia" www.bath.ac.uk.
  13. Feleke Tadele, Yisak Tafere and Tom Lavers(eds). 1996. Ethiopian Urban Studies: Kolfe Profile. University of Bath, WeD-Ethiopia.
  14. Feleke Tadele (2006) “Linking Disaster Management with Development Planning ...muweb.millersville.edu/~isarcdue/UE_JAN_2005.PDF.
  15. Feleke Tadele(2010). Cultural Practices, Tourism and Development in Ethiopia ( Amharic Version). FSS.
  16. Alula Pankhurst and Feleke Tadele (2005). Wellbeing in Developing Countries. Wellbeing in Developing Countries: www.worldbank.org.
  17. Feleke Tadele (2005). The importance of understanding the 'local'/ www. esrc.ac.uk / ESRC Info Centre.
  18. Feleke Tadele (2005). Community Risk Assessment and Early Warning.www.iedm.ges.kyoto-u.ac.jp/publication/workshop.
  19. Feleke, Tadele (2004) 'The New Resettlement Programme in Ethiopia: Reflection on the Design and Implementation Approach', in A. Pankhurst and F. Piquet(eds.). People, Space and the State: Migration, Resettlement and Displacement in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. ESSSWA. pp 211-221.
  20. Feleke Tadele [2003] “The Current Resettlement Program in Ethiopia: www.ide.go.jp.
  21. Feleke Tadele (2002) Men in the kitchen: www.bradford.ac.uk/acad/dppc/gender/mandmweb
  22. Feleke Tadele (1999). The Impact of Urban ‘Development’ on a Peasant Community in Ethiopia: The Case of Yeka Tafo. MA thesis, Addis Ababa University.
  23. Feleke Tadele (1998). Iddirs in Urban Areas: Retrospect and Prospects. www.muse.jhu.edu/journals
  24. Feleke Tadele (1998).Barter in practice: a case study of liwac transaction in Addis Ababa. Development in Practice, Volume 10, Number 2
  25. Feleke Tadele (1996). Sustaining Urban Development through Participation: www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oxfam.Vol. 4 No.1 February 1996 Section 7 Page 45.
  26. Yezichalem Kassa and Feleke Tadele (1996). Defining local needs: a community-based diagnostic survey in Ethiopia: www.publications.oxfam.org.uk