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User:Joseph mitchell9/Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis

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Farscape character
Title N/A
Homeworld Unknown
Race Interion
Gender Female
Affiliation Moya's crew; Priests of Arnessk
Actor Tammy MacIntosh

Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis (played by Tammy MacIntosh) is a fictional character from the science fiction television program Farscape. She is a young Interion woman of remarkable academic achievement. While on vacation with her two male cousins--they were traveling around the galaxy to celebrate her graduation--they ran into some trouble. Her two cousins contracted a fatal disease, and they and she were frozen into stasis to be used for organ donation by a Diagnosan. After Crichton was healed by that Diagnosan, in part through a donation by one of her cousins, he took her and her other cousin's stasis capsules with him onto Moya. Her cousin died almost immediately upon being released from stasis, but Jool, who had not been sick, was fine. She awoke to find herself aboard the Leviathan Moya and discovered that she had been frozen for 22 cycles. Her species is closely related to humans.

John Crichton coined the name "Jool", and though she resented it at first, it soon grew on her, as did he. Her arrival aboard Moya came with the loss of Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan, and the crew, and fans alike were a little slow in accepting her.

While an intelligent young woman, Jool has led a sheltered life, and though she possesses a lot of knowledge, it was rarely practised before joining the crew who soon became her friends.

Jool comes from a peaceful star system, far away and before meeting Rygel, she had not known Hynerians existed, though Sebaceans are familiar to her. When frightened or nervous, her orange hair blazes red and her screams can melt metal, an ability which has been useful on several occasions.

The crew parted ways and Jool and D'Argo found themselves on Arnessk, where Jool became acquainted with other Interions and helped in their excavational dig. She helped John, D'Argo and Chiana to free the priests from 12,000-cycle-long sleep in suspended animation.

A scholar of Arnesskian history, Jool left Moya after over a cycle with the crew to follow her new destiny and help the priests adjust to the new life that lay ahead of them. In Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, Moya returned to Arnessk, followed by the Scarrans who deployed a weapon which destroyed the temple. Jool was inside and presumed dead.

Category:Farscape characters