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joemouse his a pet shop he want a dog so bad one day joemouse walk to the pet show he seen a cute dog he ask evil matt can I get that dog evilmatt said come this way who dog is that evil matt said who I don't know but if he don't get a home he well be put down joemouse said I well take him evilmatt said ok come with me so I can get the keys evilmatt get the key unlock the door get the out there for joemouse said thinkyou evil matt said yourwelcome so he walk his dog to thepark so the can get to know eacher he seand the hafe of the day with his new dog meanitkamouse said were is he don't he know I wanted him back here at 12:00 am he come home and said am sorry am late I was at the pet show to get my dog I wont be late agina so joemouse andmeanitkamouse said ok I going out so do you want to come joemouse said why not so that the end of joemouseandmeanitkmouse tha live after the end joemouse said do not bull man or kid thinks