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User:Joy Jones

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Born on October 28, 1975 in Los Angeles, California is an American Soul singer, songwriter


Joy Jones was born in Los Angeles, CA, the daughter of a Trinidadian physician, Joel Jones and an African-American nurse, Janet Jones.

She later attended Duke University, where she graduated with a double major in Biology and Comparative Area Studies. After leaving North Carolina, she moved to London, England where she was atccepted into a Masters program in Medical Anthropology.

While living in London, Joy began to experiment with musical and artistic genres along with broken-beat mainstays Bugz in the Attic. Upon graduating from the School of Oriental and African Studies (part of the University of London), Joy returned home to begin work on a one-woman show entitiled “The Nappy Goddess Syndrome” which was performed at the Lula Florence theater which was then located in the Santa Monica theater district. That year she also began traveling internationally doing HIV/AIDS humanitarian work in Ghana and Swaziland.

In 2001, she attended Loma Linda University and earned a Masters in Public Health a few years later. During that time she traveled to Turkey and Egypt.

Upon returning, Joy began work on her second theatrical work “The Nappy Godchild” which was the latest reincarnation of her earlier work. It was performed at the El Portal Theater in North Hollywood to rave reviews.

In 2003 her father died suddenly which caused Joy to become a bit reclusive from the arts and academic scene for awhile, But in 2005 She wrote and produced the poetic musical “Godchild” which was performed at the Nate Holden Performing Arts Complex in January 8, 2006 along with the theater group, Soul Music Theater she started with Keith C. Harris.

On July, 7 2007, she married Keith C. Harris, also know as "The Soulful Fundamentalist or K Claude Harris", a artist, producer, and musician most known as the bass player for [Peven Everett], from Chicago, Illinois. They founded the record label, Love Jones Recordings in 2006 .


Goddhild Lovetronic 12” This Too Shall Pass/The Joy Soundtracks for Sunrise Red Hot and Riot

Her first full length LP, Godchild, was released on July 7, 2009. This project is filled with sounds that she describes as “ afro-beat lullabies, future jazz protest songs, and electronic hymns”.v

Press: Straight No Chaser URB