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The whole subject of Bible references and citation is discussed in detail at Wikipedia:Citing_sources/Bible and User:Jpacobb/Citing_the_Bible(Essay).

The three templates {{User:Jpacobb/Silrnt}}, {{User:Jpacobb/Silrot}} and {{User:Jpacobb/Silrdc}} have the same general style and aims as rest of the {{Sirl}} templates. They are used to create external links to sites where copyright translations of the Bible and Intertestamental Apocrypha may be legally consulted. On the screen, they produce a short summary reference, but this has a hover function and when the cursor is placed over the reference it interprets the abbreviation by giving the full name of the book etc., for example([[#SILR|]]) The task is divided with the New Testament, the Old Testament, and the Deuterocanonical books each having their own template to reduce the time-lag involved in loading around eighty sets of data which would be necessary if only one template was used. All three templates use the same core, {{User:Jpacobb/Silrnt/core}}.

The specific problems caused by the difference between the Roman Catholic Canon of Scripture and the more limited Protestant one are discussed in the section on the Old Testament Apocrypha.

General Usage[edit]

The templates take three unnamed parameters and two optional named ones which affect the presentation.

XX is 'nt', 'ot' or 'dc' as appropriate
key is a three-letter short code indicating the book. With one exception it consists of the first three characters of the book's name without any spaces. For example, the key for '1 Corinthians' is "1co". The key is not case-sensitive. The exception is the New Testament book Philemon which has the key 'Phm' since 'Phi' corresponds to Philipians. In the case of the deutero-canonical books which begin with the word the this word should be ignored.
chapter:verse indicates the starting point for the reference and the optional details after the hyphen provide the finishing point if the passage is more than a single verse.
version determines which version will be referenced. Again it is not case-sensitive. Details of the codes are given below. The default is ???
nb controls the use of the initial and final brackets, allowing them to be omitted when two or three references are given together. In this respect it follows the standard "nb syntax". However, it has an extended use here in that if it starts with a '2' it will cause the template not to display on screen the name of the book. The standard syntax is as follows:
  1. If nb= r, the right bracket will be replaced with a semicolon followed by a space.
  2. If nb= l (lower-case 'L'), the left bracket will be omitted. In these templates only, the use of the initial '2' not only eliminates mention of the book, it also stops the leading left bracket appearing so the combination 2L is unnecessary. Note: the preceding link will require nb=r.
  3. The values nb = lr or rl combine both effects.
fsize controls the size of font and is based on percentages with 100 being the standard font. The default value is 89 which normally reduces the text sufficiently to make it less conspicuous on the assumption that the references are normally useful additional information. When the references are central to the statement made, fsize=100 should be used
"Some....text{{User:Jpacobb/Silrnt|Joh|1:1-2|LEB|nb=r}}{{User:Jpacobb/Silrnt|Joh|1:18|kjv|nb=2}} more... text" produces:
"Some....text([[#SILR|]]; [[#SILR|]]) more ... text"

Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical Books[edit]

Unfortunately the naming and division into chapters and verses of these books is not as standardized as with those of the Old and New Testaments, the sections of Esther and Daniel which are only found in the Greek versions being a particular case in point. THIS TEMPLATE IS NOT YET FUNCTIONAL

Deutero-canonical Books
Traditional English Name Key Linked to Vulgate Equivalent
1 Esdras 1es 3 Esdras
2 Esdras 2es 4 Esdras /Ezra Apocalypse
Tobit* tob Tobit
Judith* jud Judith
Rest of Esther, The res
Wisdom of Solomon, The* wis Wisdom
Ecclesiasticus* ecc Sirach
Baruch* bar Baruch
History of Susanna, The his Dan 13:1-63
Bel and the Dragon bel Dan 13:64-14:21 + Dan14:22-42
Prayer of Manasses pra In appendix
1 Maccabees* 1ma 1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees* 2ma 2 Maccabees

Bible Versions[edit]

As of August 2012 the Bible versions available are given in the table below. Since they depend on external sites, they may change from time to time.

Versions Available
Version Code Linked to
21st Century King James Version KJ21 bg
American Standard Version ASV bg
Amplified Bible AMP bg
Common English Bible + Apocrypha CEB bg
Complete Jewish Bible CJB bg
Contemporary English Version CEV bg
Darby Translation DARBY bg
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition + Apocrypha DRA bg
Easy-to-Read Version ERV bg
English Standard Version ESV bg
English Standard Version Anglicised ESVUK bg
GOD’S WORD Translation GW bg
Good News Translation + Apocrypha GNT bg
Holman Christian Standard Bible HCSB bg
J.B. Phillips New Testament PHILLIPS bg
King James Version KJV bg
Lexham English Bible LEB bg
The Message MSG bg
Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament MOUNCE bg
New American Standard Bible NASB bg
New Century Version NCV bg
New International Reader's Version NIRV bg
New International Version NIV bg
New International Version 1984 NIV bg
New International Version - UK NIVUK bg
New King James Version NKJV bg
New Life Version NLV bg
New Living Translation NLT bg
Revised Standard Version RSV pending
Revised Version RV pending
SBL New Testament (KOINE) SBLGNT bg
Scrivener 1894 KOINE N.T. TR1894 bg
Stephanus 1550 KOINE N.T. TR1550 bg
Today's New International Version TNIV bg
Wescott-Hort 1881 KOINE N.T. WHNU bg
Worldwide English New Testament WE bg
Wycliffe Bible WYC bg
Young's Literal Translation YLT bg

bg=BibleGateway; blb=Blue Letter Bible

See also[edit]