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Juan Carlos Villalobos was born in Maracaibo,Venezuela in 1971 AD. He currently lives in Texas with his wife, Carmen and is working on his Master's degree in Mathematics at the University of Houston–Clear Lake. Juan Carlos Villalobos started practicing Martial Arts at the age of 10 in Venezuela, specifically Shotokan Karate under sensei Kunio Tanabe. At the age of 18 he came across Judo and started practicing this beautiful Art, he still does Judo under Sensei Buck Snider. Due to political prosecution in his country, his family decided to flee to the United States. After living in Miami,Florida for some time and due to some problems, they all moved to Texas. In Texas he encountered Goju Ryu Karate (1991) and since then he has been practicing it. In 2001 he started practicing Aikido until today.

University of Houston–Clear Lake