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Hello, world!

Call me Canopy. Or, if you're not reading this, you can call me the long name: "junglecanopy..." But you are reading this, right? Because if you're not, you wouldn't have read this. Meh.

I love, love, love, love, languages! I think I should have added more "loves..." Don't you think so? :P, Well, currently, I'm brushing up on French, doing some Japanese, and out of interest for the people: Romani (or Romany, whichever you'd like, just; not to be mistaken for Romanian). And a tiny Czech and Old Norse. Fun. Meh.

And I suppose you thought that was it. Nope! Still got about a few more languages to annoy you with. :P. Cantonese, because my aunt speaks it, it's a fun language. Did you know "miaow-miaow" means cat? :P. Mrow. And I used to study Latin for some time. But I guess it just doesn't interest me... I'm going to start Italian at least SOME time soon, if that Italian teacher ever gets back from Italy... And, hnmmm... Oh yes! Korean! It sure sounds nice. And how could I forget Estonian??!!??!! I think ESTONIAN is the most beautiful language on Earth. Beautiful. For the time being, anyhow. I was learning Egyptian Arabic for a time with my sister, since that was the only language that I could pester her to learn with me, but she quit. D:<! Meh.

And just because I can, since this is MY userpage, after all, I'll bug you with my linguistical love. Yep, linguistics and foreign languages! Awesome! I like to study grammar. No, seriously, like, LOVE. :P. I did try to make a conlang once, but meh.

And just because I can again: Meh.

Ok, peoples who didn't want to hear me ramble on about languages... I introduce to you to...

This random question I have! What exactly goes on userpages, anyways? People talking about random stuff that they like? Meh, answer meh!

Well, some OTHER random stuffs I like are: drawing (not painting much, though), trying out random hobbies, browse the internet, go on the wiki sites and contribute, yeah, well, stuff like that. Meh.

Did you guys notice that the longest paragraph so far was the one about languages? Because I noticed that. I feel hyper right now, for some reason, that I'm channeling into typing. Meh!

Ooh! How could I forget?! (I can hear you groan through the computer; that's impolite.) I love, love, love, love, to read and write! I just love getting immersed in new worlds (fantastical or realistic, idc, as long as it's, what's that fancy word? Never mind, I'll just say "immersing.") and writing about new worlds! Some of my favorite books are: the Dork Diaries series, The City of Ember, the Artemis Fowl series (especially the first book!), the Cabinet of Wonders series, Pride and Prejudice is pretty good for and, well, other stuffs. Lots of other stuffs. And no, I hereby say (not vow; remember that) that I shall not post another paragraph of books I like to torture you. :P meh.

As for writing: I'm doing that right now, aren't I? meh?

Meh is an all purpose word. I like it! Meh.

See? And oh, you thought that would be the last paragraph! Of course not! I'm still here to ramble into your annoyed ears! Muahahahaha! Is that too much? Meh.

Okay, onto more random stuff. Hmmm... userpage, userpage, what should I add to my userpage? Ah! I know!
