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The library Fray Francisco de Burgoa is located in Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico, in the ancient ex-convent of Santo Domingo de Guzman. This library has one of the biggest rescue programs for antique books and documents of the state. The bibliographic fund belongs to the college Universidad Autonoma “Benito Juarez” (UABJO), and preserves an approximate of 30,000 titles.



The book trade had an important place at the beginning of the illustration in Mexico when the libraries made important purchases to the most important cities of Europe. During this period the first printing shop was installed in the capital in 1539. The majority of the purchases were delivered by ship to Veracruz, traveling from the old continent and facing terrible weather problems. It is important to point out that these books also had to be saved from the Holy inquisition that forbidden certain books for having heretics ideas. 1 The purpose of the religious orders was to establish bookshops located at different key points of the state of Oaxaca like: Cuilapam, Tehuantepec, Tlaxiaco and Yanhuitlan. These were the predecessors of the libraries created by the friars with an interest for knowledge. During the next years the convent libraries added more and more books to the public libraries thanks to the secularities of the cleric good in 1859.

Art and Science institute


The Arts and Science Institute of Oaxaca was completely dedicated to the superior Education, therefore in January 1827 a library was founded with an emphasis for selected books of science that were supported by the government. This gave birth to the first Public Library in Oaxaca, being the first one in Mexico. Unfortunately many of the books were lost or stolen because of the chaos after the independence in the country. Many books were also burned in fires by the French army during the “Interevención francesa” (French invasion).

Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca


In the year 1958, the UABJO (Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca) moved the book fund to three different classrooms leaving them forgotten, causing the material to damaged. At the beginning of the 80’s the general direction of the library decided to move the material to another building in order to save and preserve all the books in good condition, therefore begun the construction of the building “Biblioteca Jose Vasconcelos”. Created to preserve the fund and adapted for the classification of each piece. Unfortunately the place was not the ideal to keep in good condition all the books, because of the humidity, the light. This also deteriorated many important books of the collection.



In 1993 the artist Francisco Toledo gave an exposition to show to the people the importance of preserving these books. The expositions was well received and the director of the UABJO Homero J. Pérez Cruz begun a new project for making preservations of the books and making a new classification method. The project was led by Stella María Gonález Cicero (directress of the Biblioteca Nacional de Antropología e Historia). However the project was cancelled. After Miguel Díaz Rivera, that had knowledge of Latin, Hebrew, Greek, Italian and French made a new classification and each of the data was captured in the system ex profeso. Later the INAH donated the north salon of the ex-convent Santo Domingo for the preservation of the books.

Important Collections


Inside the Fray Francisco de Burgoa’s library there is an important collection of books for any investigator interested. The books have topics like: History, geography, philosophy, medicine, religion, politics and art. In languages like: Mixteco, Zapoteco, Mixe and Náhuatl, Spanish, French, English y Latin. Important collections: • Convents Fund: includes the books that belong to the convents that existed in Oaxaca. • Special Collection. Includes libraries of historical figures, such as: Benito Juárez Masa, Aurelio Valdivieso, Matías Romero, Jacobo Dalevuelta, Manuel Brioso y Candiani, Jorge Fernando Iturribarria y Luis Castañeda de Guzmán. • Manuscript collection: includes manuscript from many ecclesiastic institutions, mostly from the Dominic’s order and from many parts of the viceroyalty. • Reference collection: Includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and more.

Bibliographic Treasures


The Francisco de Burgoa’s library keeps 11 incunabulum, 9 from those were printed at the XVI century. Incunabulum An Incunabulum is the book printed during the XV century. • Veracruz, Alonso de la (Fray). Speculvm Conivgiorvm, México, Juan Pablo de Brescia, 1556. • Taix, Jerónimo (Fray). Institvcion, modo de rezar, y milagros e indulgencias del Rosario de la Virgen Maria Nuestra Señora, 6a imp., correct. domingo de Salazar, México, Pedro Ball, 1576 • Hernández, Benito (Fray). Doctrina Christiana en Lengua Mixteca, México, Pedro Ocharte, 1568] Note: Only copy worldwide. • Buenaventura (San). [In] Librum Primum Sententiarum [Expositio], Nuremberg, s.i. Ca. 1491] Geography and Science • García Cubas, Antonio. Curso Elemental de Geografía Universal, 4ta edición, Antigua Imprenta de Murgía. México, 1884. • Ortelio, Abraham. Theatro de la Tierra Universal, Amberes, Cristibal Plantino, • Blaeu, Juan. Atlas Universal y Cosmográfico de los Orbes Celestes y Terrestres, [Amsterdam], Juan Blaeu, ca. 1663. • Kircher, Atanasio. Mundus Subterraneus in XII librus digestus. T. I. 3ª edición, Amsterdam, Juan Jassonio de Waesberge e hijos 1678. Religion • Binanni, Felipe. Ordinum Religiosorum in Ecclesia Militanti catalogus, 3a parte, Roma, Jorge Plachi, 1710. • Biblia Sacra Herbraice Chandaice Graece et latina. Art and Literature • Arfe y Villafañe, Juan de, De varia Commesuracion para la Escultura y Arquitectura, ed. Viuda de Bernardo Sierra, Sevilla, Andrea Pescioni y Juan de León, 1585. • Solórzano Pereira, Juan de. Emblemata Regio Politica, Madrid, Domingo García Morras, 1653.

Preserving workshop and Restoration


This workshop has the objective of restoring and preserving the fund. It is formed by three institutions: UABJO, Hap Helú’s foundation and INAH. The works of preservation and restorations are only used if the books require the procedure. The preservation procedure is used if the books shows any sign of physic or chemical deterioration, and every aspect of the book’s structure is studied, even the author and his other works. The restoration process in the other hand is use only in critic situations when the book is damaged.

Binding Process


This workshop has the goal of taking care of the book’s body and preserves the important collections of the library.



• Universidad, Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (2006). Testimonios del Cincuentenario. Oaxaca, México: Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca. p. 229. ISBN 968-5730-96-2.

• Grañén Porrúa, Maria Isabel (2000). Las Joyas Bibliográficas de la Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca. Begoña Sanchéz Venero.

• Universidad, Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (2006). Testimonios del Cincuentenario. Oaxaca, México: Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca. p. 232. ISBN 968-5730-96-2.

• Silva y Escobar, Esteban (1952). Instituto de Ciencias y Artes del Estado: Monografía en ocasión del CXXV Aniversario de su Fundación. ICAE