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Hello there! You may have come here to review my personal criteria for a re-confirmation of my adminship, in which case you are in the right place!

My request for adminship (RfA) ended (successfully) with 83 "votes" of support, 4 of opposition and 2 neutrals, and closed on 21 May 2008. As part of my RfA, I stated that I would be open to recall, meaning should the consensus be to de-sysop me, I will agree to relinquish my administrator status. Below is my (small) criteria for a recall (correct as of 2 February 2010):

  • a request must be made by five users in good standing with the editting community.†
  • support for the recall takes place in a page or section opened for that specific purpose.
  • if after a period of 5 days from the date and time of the first user's support four other users have not indicated their support, or if the matter is not concerned with my admin status, then the call for recall fails.
  • no consensus = no change.
  • I reserve the right to change my criteria for recall at any time. :-)
    • However, I agree to work to the spirit of this criteria rather than the letter.
  • I accept (and hope) this recall criteria may be superceded by a consistent, pan-Wikipedia policy (such as community deadminship).

Happy editting. :-)

† By "good standing" I mean an established and registered user with no history of distruptive behavoir.