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User:K. Konstantopoulos/Christine P. Phili

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Christine P. Phili from a lecture at the National Research Foundation.


Christine P. Phili was born in Athens in 1945 and studied mathematics at the University of Athens.

Scholarship of the French Government, she continues postgraduate studies in the History of Mathematics in Paris with professor René Taton and receives a state doctorate (Doctorat d'Etat) with distinction.

She was written many articles and studies, participated with her announcements in conferences in Greece and abroad. She is also one of the authors of several collective books, among them: In Foreign Lands: The Migration of Scientists for Political or Economic Reasons (Birkhäuser 2022).

In 1993 she was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of the History of Sciences.

In 2006 the French Governmentawarded her the title of "Order of Academic Palms" (Chevalier des Palmes Académiques).

In 2010 she was elected a regular member of the International Academy of the History of Sciences.

In 2021 the International Academy of the History of Sciences unanimously awarded her the Koyré medal for her entire scientific work.

She was a professor at the National Technical University of Athens where she taught Mathematics and History of Mathematics.


  1. Amfidroma: Parallel research between Science and Art, ed. Smili, Athens, 1987.
  2. Sovereignty and Mathematics (awarded  by the Academy of Athens)ed. Papasotiriou Athens, 2009.
  3. La Genèse et  le développement de la théorie descriptive des ensembles Istorico – Matematicheskii Issledovanii. Russian Academy of Science. Moscow, 2010.
  4. “In pursuit of Monge’s Ideal: the Introduction of Descriptive Geometry in the Educational Institutions in Greece during the Nineteenth century” in Descriptive Geometry. The Spread  of a Polytechnic Art. The legacy of Gaspard Monge (eds) E. Barbin,  M. Mengini,  Kl. Volkerts.  Springer 2019.
  5. In Foreign  Lands: the Migration of Scientists for Political or Economic reasons T. Borgato, Ch. Phili (eds) Birkhäuser   2022.
  6. Heron of Alexandria in C. Phili - S. Kamalakis, in Pioneers   Alexandrian Scientists Institute of  Educational Studies and Applications, Athens 2023 pp. 15-188.
  7. C. Carathéodory, Memoranda: The Foundation of the Ionian University. The Reorganization of the University of Athens.    Introduction, Comments, research by C. Phili. Eyrasia   Athens 2024.
  8. Kepler’s Somnium: An imaginary  journey to the Moon. Association of Greek  Physicists Athens 2024.
  9. Konstanine Negris: The First Professor of mathematics at the Othonian University. Eptalofos Athens. 2024.
  10. Cyparissos Stephanos  (1857-1917 ) The International and the Greek Mathematical Community. 2 Vols. Eptalofos 2024.
  11. Leon Battista Alberti, Theodore Gazes and the Elementa Picturae. Eptalofos Athens 2024. (forthcoming).
  12. Intersections of Philosophy and Mathematics. Epatlofos Athens (forthcoming).
  13. Bessarion: A different two headed eagle. Eptalofos. Athens  (forthcoming).