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User:Kaldari/Haircut fetishism

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A person with a haircut fetish is sexually and/or emotionally aroused by having their head hair cut, by cutting the hair of another, by watching someone get a haircut, or any combination of these.

Haircut fetishist can be either male or female.

The haircut fetish usually manifests as a desire to see head hair, often long hair, being cut off or even shaved, and often extends to a desire to witness or fantasize about non-consensual haircuts (including punishment, revenge, military/school/prison/religious induction or other kinds of forced haircuts).

The haircut fetish can also extend to a general sexual preference for women or men with short hair or shaved heads. A haircut fetish is essentially pretty benign and harmless. In most cases, you aren’t hurting anyone by engaging in this fetish. In many cases, the fetish can even by a positive thing: It can add a certain degree of excitement to one’s sexual life and can lead one to take notice and care of his appearance.

Many haircut fetishists, both male and female, claim their fetish began when their own hair was non-consensually cut short during childhood or puberty.

This would appear to be a widespread fetish, as there are many hundreds of websites devoted to it, based in countries all over the world, but it is a seemingly secret fetish, largely unrecognized by or commented upon by the media, or even acknowledged in western culture.

There is no evidence to suggest that haircut fetishism extends to any significant practice of actual imposed non-consensual haircuts.

Some haircut fetish websites advertise for and pay individuals to be filmed and photographed having their hair cut off. Other websites publish fantasy stories about haircuts, or track the long-to-short hair makeovers of celebrities. Some sites provide lists of haircutting scenes in literature or movies.

A few short-lived American hair-fetishist magazines, including "The Razor's Edge," "The Yankee Clipper," (both published by "Captain Stanley,") and "The Bald Truth" were published in the latter part of the twentieth century.

The first organized haircutting club for women was the Progressive Hair Club first established in 1994. It sponsored 4 Ms Bald pageants in the USA and produced numorous haircutting videos. Similar clubs for men, such as the International Leather Men have a subgroup of haircut fetishers. Some men form national and local groups to arrange Clipper Parties.

In 2000, the first of the new breed of erotic headshaving websites came on the scene, Headshave, now known as Bald Beauties. Run by Katt and Wolfe, Bald Beauties was the first website to portray head shaving as an erotic art on the Internet.

For men, numerous websites have existed since the early 1990s such as www.lemantoman.eu, [1], maleshortcuts.ning.com, [2], www.slickville.com, www.buzzedhard.com, and the very popular 'The Haircut Site [3] which features a message forum known as 'The Buzzboard'.

Since that time there are several hairfetish related site: www.x3plaza.com, www.cutscuts.com, www.baldbeauties.com, www.baldgirlz.com, www.haircut.net, www.extremehaircut.com, www.barbershopvideo.com.

The fetish is prevelent among both genders and crosses both heterosexual and homosexual orientations. For some, arousal is exclusive for haircutting occuring on a person of the opposite sex; for others, it is exclusive to haircutting on a person of the same sex. Still, in other cases, the arousal could be generalized to both genders. I any case, the practitioner may be of either sexual orientation. For many, arousal is focused on haircutting involving themselves, on others, or both.

The fetishist is often aroused by images (pictures, video, or fantasy) of the action of seeing hair being cut, the surrounding environment (barbershop/salon), and the tools used in haircutting (barber chair, baber cape, hair clippers and clipper blades, scissors, combs, hair tonics/pomades/dressings, dryers, shampoo bowls, etc).

A group of hair fetishist similar to those who are aroused by cutting of hair, are those who are aroused by the arranging of hair. Some men have a fetish for slicked back gelled or greased hair such as styles of the 1950s such as the DA (Duck's Ass), the Pomp, side-parted businessman cut. For such men, the use of brylcreem, hair tonic, Vitalis, pomade, vaseline can be powerful components in the fetish. The website www.slickville.com and the Yahoo group GreasersLair are devoted to men into the slick hair look.

The haircut fetish finds its roots in both ancient Greece, biblical stories and religious rites. In mythology strength is associated with hair. Samson and Delilah. In Christian, Buddhist and Hindu religions Tonsure is an established rite combining hair deprivation with purity of the body.

See also[edit]

Category:Sexual fetishism