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Hi,my name is Muhammad Kamran Alam. I live in Ontario, Canada and work as a software engineer.

Interests: I am interested in technology and always up to explore exciting developments in tech space. I like interacting with people, listening their experiences regarding anything. Exploring nature is my favourite hobby; I love walking on the trail, sitting beside lake. It amazes me when I see the harmony and coordination in every aspect of nature such as seeing a green colour leaf turns into red, yellow , brown and then embrace the soil and become part it.

Association I am on the journey of self exploration. On this path I found a Murshid[[1]], KKhwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, who has inspired me to find the purpose of creation. He has taught me to treat everyone with the best of manner and fulfill all the rights and obligations such as being son, being spouse, being father, being neighbour, being student, being employee, being citizen, being human and being the creation of the Creator.