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Peer Review


Hey Kara I read through your article and I found that you had a lot of really good information throughout your paragraphs and it looked like you cited your sources correctly

One thing you need to make sure to do is add a little more information to your article, it's a little short right now so you might want to add a little more information. One thing you could mention since your doing where they're found is maybe how they are being pushed out of many of their habitats, you could even refer more specifically to areas where they're protected and things like that.

you were very unbiased which is awesome

your grammar was solid for the most part, if anything you might want to change up your sentence structure up a little bit. Right now you have a lot of lists which can make something like this difficult to read, if you elaborated a little more on some of the specific parts in your lists, like maybe add why these turtles inhabit countries more than others. if you do this I think you'll find you have a much more in depth paragraph

Overall I found that you were off to a very good start, all of your stuff looked properly cited and you paraphrased the information well also. You have a lot of good information which I think can be exspanded upon as well.

feel free to message me if you have any questions

Jangelico12 (talk) 18:31, 28 November 2016 (UTC)