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Ms. Karabeyoglu is the President of Karabeyoglu Enterprises with headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq. Born in Turkey into an old Turkish family with a prominent history during the Ottoman Empire and strong connections to modern-day Iraq, Ms. Karabeyoglu received Turkish, Ottoman and British education on political science, economy, history, and philosophy. She received a PhD. in geo-politics, history and military strategies of the Middle East from the University of Baghdad. Ms. Karabeyoglu is fluent in Turkish and English.

Specialized in politics and history of Iraq, Ms. Karabeyoglu’s main area of research includes the study of state and society in Iraq, with comparative analysis of Islamic and Western political concepts. She is accepted as a specialist in Iraq and has contributed as regional expert to both Arabic and international media and inter-governmental entities.

Ms. Karabeyoglu worked as Operations Manager, Plant Manager And Regional Director for three German conglomerates (Preussag AG, Metallgesellschaft AG and Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft) from 1989 until 1997 in the Balkans, Middle East and Central Asia, when she finally settled in Baghdad to re-organize and develop the family business.

Residing in Baghdad, Ms. Karabeyoglu worked as a United Nations contractor between 1997 and 2003 in the agriculture; irrigation, water treatment and power supply sectors covering a large portion of Iraq. She was also appointed by the Iraqi government as special envoy to Iran for normalization of bilateral relations between Iraq and Iran, and traveled between Baghdad and Tehran throughout 1997-1998.

From 1998 on she headed the foreign relations committee of the Iraqi Businessmen Council and became the only non-Iraqi member of the Specialized Institute for Industrial Development of Iraq. In 2003 she established and operated the largest privately owned warehouse for industrial materials and equipment to serve the private sector of Iraq, while also representing European manufacturers such as BASF and Mannesmann. During that period she got involved with projects of UNICEF, Red Cross and supported agricultural cooperatives for water, power and spare-parts supplies as well as Iraqi artists for exhibiting abroad.

Ms. Karabeyoglu has written numerous papers and articles published in Arabic, Turkish, Persian and English on subjects such as economy, history, social affairs, agriculture and industrial development of Iraq, though specialized on Iraqi modern history, geopolitics and defense. She delivered speeches on Iraq to business communities and governmental institutions in various countries including Argentina, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the U.A.E. She received awards for her work from the Presidents of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt and Yugoslavia.

Ms. Karabeyoglu is the President of Karabeyoglu Enterprises (see enclosed document: Karabeyoglu Enterprises), a conglomerate of companies active in the petroleum, defense and infrastructure projects of Iraq. Karabeyoglu Enterprises have longstanding and intensive collaboration with: 

  • The Iraqi Prime Minister's Office
  • Iraqi Cabinet
  • National Security and Defense Committee of Iraqi Parliament
  • Ministry of Defense
  • Ministry of Interior (incl. Federal Police, Oil Police and Border Enforcement)
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Ministry of National Security Affairs
  • Provincial Councils

She consulted or supplied, or is familiar with large parts of the Iraqi armed forces

  • IZAF (Iraqi Air Forces Head-Quarters)
  • Ali (Tallil) Air-Base
  • Balad Regional Air-Base
  • Al-Muthanna Air Base (BIAP)


  • Bilateral Relations of Iraq and Iran (1997)
  • Life in Iraqi Marshes, Documentary (1998)
  • Iraqi Plastic Arts (2001)
  • Then Time Stopped, Memories of War (2003-2004)
  • Baghdadbahn: Germany versus Britain in the Ottoman Empire (2005)
  • Sweet Dark Tea in the Desert, Travels across Iraq, Documentary (2006)
  • Religion and Ethnicity in Iraqi Political Affairs (2007)
  • 100 Years in Mesopotamia, Documentary (2008)
  • Re-making of Iraqi Armed Forces, Report (2011/2012)
  • Inside the Redline: Iraqi Petro-politics (2012)
  • Princess of the Moon – A Tale from Baghdad, by Madeleine Mitchells (2013) (a novel based on interviews with Ms. Karabeyoglu)

International Lectures Scheduled for 2012 R e -E s t a b l i s h m e n t o f t h e S t a t e o f I r a q Sub-titles: Iraqi Parliamentary System and Constitution, National Identity versus Tribal Identity, Political Parties as a continuation of Religious Groups

I r a q 2 0 1 2 a n d Be y o n d Projections, Scenarios, Analysis of future period in Iraq from political, economical and social aspects

I r a q: Geo - p o l i t i c s o r Pe t r o - P o l i t i c s How Iraqi petroleum reserves will be shared and managed? Who are the main players? Iraq at the heart of energy routes.

I r a q i De f e n s e a n d S e c u r i t y Structure, Current Status, Procurement, Suppliers and Future Plans of Iraqi Armed Forces