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User:Karenviera10/Evaluate an Article

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Evaluate an article


This is where you will complete your article evaluation. Please use the template below to evaluate your selected article.

  • Name of article: Coral Bleaching (Coral bleaching)
  • Briefly describe why you have chosen this article to evaluate.
    • Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems, the stresses and perturbations that result from anthropogenic disturbances, such global warming and overfishing, affect a large number of species. Coral reefs are an underwater ecosystem that are not visibly accessible, so misconceptions about the extent of coral bleach can arise.


Guiding questions
  • Does the Lead include an introductory sentence that concisely and clearly describes the article's topic?
    • The Lead starts off by describing what coral bleaching is. This describes the article's topic since the main idea of content written in the article is on coral bleaching.
  • Does the Lead include a brief description of the article's major sections?
    • The lead brings up the major points that the article will target in the major points. The articles major points include: Causes, Triggers, Mass bleaching events, Impacts, Coral adaptation, Recovery and macroalgal regime shifts, Rebuilding coral reefs, Economic value of coral reefs, and Cost benefit analysis of reducing loss of coral reefs. The Lead makes sure to include a section of notes that will summarize the information that was explained in each major section.
  • Does the Lead include information that is not present in the article?
    • The lead includes informations that is presented in the major points that makes up the content of the article. There is no extra information that is included that is not mentioned in the major sections of the article.
  • Is the Lead concise or is it overly detailed?
    • The Lead is very detailed in each major point, but it is necessary to provide information on each section. The Lead is very organized in presenting the information and makes sure to include certain subsection in each major section if needed. It can appear that the Lead is very long, but it is actually very concise and straight to the point.

Lead evaluation


Overall, the Lead is very well done and makes sure to summarize the main idea of the topic, coral bleaching.


Guiding questions
  • Is the article's content relevant to the topic?
    • The article's content focuses on describing coral bleaching along with the causes and effects that have resulted due to the bleaching of corals around the world. The article does a great job targeting a variety of topics that are affected due to coral bleaching. The content is extremely relevant in relation to the topic.
  • Is the content up-to-date?
    • The content is up-to-date. The article was last edited on March 14, 2020. The article is extremely up to date since it was last edited about two weeks ago.
  • Is there content that is missing or content that does not belong?
    • The article contains 9 major sections. I believe the article is not missing any content after thoroughly reviewing it. The major sections include information that is relevant to Coral Bleaching so there is not any content that does not belong.

Content evaluation


Overall, the content provided in the article is very descriptive and relevant to understand the topic of coral bleaching. The article contains statistical data and references that show that the article is reliable.

Tone and Balance

Guiding questions
  • Is the article neutral?
    • The article is neutral and focuses on presenting on informative content. The content is backed up with descriptive information and statistics.
  • Are there any claims that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?
    • There are no claims in the article that are heavily biased toward a particular position. Coral Bleaching is a situation that is overlooked by many individuals worldwide since they are no visually on a daily basis unless individuals go deep into the oceans. This topic in specific is not biased since the information is strictly informative and data recorded.
  • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?
    • There is no overrepresented or underrepresented viewpoints since each of the major sections present around the same amount of content which gives each of the major sections equal importance.
  • Does the article attempt to persuade the reader in favor of one position or away from another?
    • The article only includes informative content and statistical data. Due to this, the article does not attempt to persuade the reader in favor a certain position. Unlike other controversial topics in which individuals can favor on position or away from another this topic in specific doesn't give the audience the ability to do so.

Tone and balance evaluation


Overall, the articles effectively maintains a neutral tone throughout the entirety of the article by presenting only informative content and statistical data.

Sources and References

Guiding questions
  • Are all facts in the article backed up by a reliable secondary source of information?
    • All the facts in the article are backed up 106 reliable secondary sources on information. A lot of the articles I have read in Wikipedia don't usually provide over 100 sources in comparison to this article. Each time a statistical data point is given or brought it is followed by the superscript that redirect to the specific citation that it corresponds to.
  • Are the sources thorough - i.e. Do they reflect the available literature on the topic?
    • In the 106 reliable secondary sources that are provided there is a variety of academic journals and reviewed articles that are included. All the sources that are provided strictly concentrate on the topic, coral bleaching.
  • Are the sources current?
    • The sources are current. None of the sources are from before the year 2000 so it can be said that all the sources are up to date and represent accurate data and information.
  • Check a few links. Do they work?
    • After going through more than 30 of the links that are provided they all re-directed to the corresponding page. It can be said that all of the links provided by the article will re-direct to the corresponding page.

Sources and references evaluation


Overall, the article assures that all the informative content and statistical date is reliable since the content comes from secondary sources of information.


Guiding questions
  • Is the article well-written - i.e. Is it concise, clear, and easy to read?
    • The article is divided into major sections in which some even have subsections. The information in this article is very readable, clear and organized to the audience. The major sections allow the audience to find specific information they are looking for in an easy manner. For example, if the audience wants to find information regarding mass beaching events that have occurred they would click on the major section titled, "Mass bleaching events," and get redirect to the content of their desire. The article is written in a very formal manner that reflects the topic, but not too sophisticated that will be a problem to the audience. The audience does not have to have a sophisticated vocabulary or previous knowledge on the topic in order to understand the information that is provided.
  • Does the article have any grammatical or spelling errors?
    • The article does not include any grammatical or spelling errors. The article contains a variety of high vocabulary, but does not hinder the audience from understanding the informative content.
  • Is the article well-organized - i.e. broken down into sections that reflect the major points of the topic?
    • The article is very well-organized. This article contains a short introduction that explains coral bleaching to have an understanding before reading the rest of the article. The article has major sections where the information is very organized so that the audience can quickly find any specific section they desire to read. In some of the major sections there are sub-sections that further organize the content. For example, if the audience wants to find the impacts on coral bleaching in the Atlantic ocean they would click on the major section titled, "Impacts," and click on the subsection titled, "Atlantic Ocean."

Organization evaluation


Overall, the article is written in a very clear and organized manner that facilitates the audience into finding information very easily. The article contains major sections and in specific sections there is also subsections that facilitate the reader. There is no grammatical or spelling errors that were identified in the article.

Images and Media

Guiding questions
  • Does the article include images that enhance understanding of the topic?
    • The article includes some images, but is not too heavy on visuals. The visuals are pretty simple with the exception of one that does enhance the understanding of the topic.
  • Are images well-captioned?
    • The images are all well-captioned with a short summary that describes the visual. Some of the images contain a word that re-directs to link. This demonstrates that the article is very reliable since the visuals are also accompanied by further sources.
  • Do all images adhere to Wikipedia's copyright regulations?
    • All the images provided in the article adhere to Wikipedia's copyright regulation.
  • Are the images laid out in a visually appealing way?
    • The images are laid out in a very visually appealing way to the audience. All the images are placed in the right of the information of the section accompanied by a caption under each visual that describes the visual. By placing the images to the right of the information that is described it allows the audience to have a clear understanding.

Images and media evaluation


Overall, the article contains a couple images that are helpful to the understanding of the content that is described. All the visuals help the audience since there is a clear caption of what the purpose of the visual is.

Checking the talk page

Guiding questions
  • What kinds of conversations, if any, are going on behind the scenes about how to represent this topic?
    • In the Talk section of this article, the main conversations that are found are suggestions to add a variety of information. For example, it was suggested that a section on coral bleaching solutions is added. There is also suggestions to add information why exactly climate change is such a huge factor in coral bleaching. The suggestions are for the most part information that is very important to the topic and should be considered.
  • How is the article rated? Is it a part of any WikiProjects?
    • The article is part of three WikiProjects: WikiProject Algae, WikiProject Environment, WikiProject Climate change. The article has also been part of multiple Wikipedia Education courses.
  • How does the way Wikipedia discusses this topic differ from the way we've talked about it in class?
    • Wikipedia discusses this topic by including a variety of areas that are affected due to coral bleaching. Wikipedia includes more information that has been discussed in class by providing informative content. It can be seen in the Talk page that it is suggested for the Great Barrier Reef to be linked directly with coral bleaching.

Talk page evaluation


Overall, this page in specific concentrates on modifying links and correcting their format so that the audience can visit the source where the information was found. This page has also concentrated on suggesting that further information is added to make the article more informative on the topic. The extra information would add extra informative content for readers.

Overall impressions

Guiding questions
  • What is the article's overall status?
    • The article contains informative content and statistical data that is both very reliable and up to date. The last edit was made on March 4, 2020 which proves that the article is very up-to date. There is no outdated information found in this article. The article does not contain any grammatical or spelling errors that were identified and includes over 100 reliable secondary sources.
  • What are the article's strengths?
    • The article's strengths are the amount of references that are provided which demonstrate that all the information is extremely reliable. The article is also very organized which makes it very readable and accessible to the audience. The article even goes to the extent of including sub-sections in some of the major sections to find information even quicker.
  • How can the article be improved?
    • The article can be improved by providing more visual aids. The article only includes about 5 images that do not provide that much help. The visuals can maybe include some infographics and graphs to understand certain information more clearly.
  • How would you assess the article's completeness - i.e. Is the article well-developed? Is it underdeveloped or poorly developed?
    • The article is very well-developed that contains information and statistical data that is relevant to coral bleaching. The article contains a neutral standpoint throughout the entirety of the article. The article was organized in a very strategical manor with major sections and some with subsection to facilitate the audience. There is over 100 secondary sources of information that are provided included in the article in which content in the article is accompanied by a superscript to relate back to the link. There are no spelling errors or grammatical errors that were identified after carefully reviewing the article multiple times. The article is written in a very formal manner that allows the audience the easily read the information without requiring previous knowledge on the topic.

Optional activity

  • Choose at least 1 question relevant to the article you're evaluating and leave your evaluation on the article's Talk page. Be sure to sign your feedback

with four tildes — ~~~~

  • Link to feedback: