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-This article is missing information about the specific climate found in this part of Mexico and the effects it has on the pines.

-There is also a lack of references and information in general, it is a pretty short article in need of more in-depth information.

-González-Cásares, Marcos, Marín Pompa-García, and J Camarero. "Differences in Climate-growth Relationship Indicate Diverse Drought Tolerances Among Five Pine Species Coexisting in Northwestern Mexico." Trees: Structure & Function, 31.2 (2017): 531-544.

- This article talks about climate change and how it affects five different pine trees, some of which are found in the Sierra Madre Occidental.

-González-Elizondo, Martha, Enrique Jurado, José Návar, M. Socorro González-Elizondo, José Villanueva, Oscar Aguirre, and Javier Jiménez. "Tree-rings and Climate Relationships for Douglas-fir Chronologies from the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico: A 1681–2001 Rain Reconstruction." Forest Ecology & Management, 213.1-3 (2005): 39-53.

- I could also use this article to add more information about the Sierra Madre Occidental.

An interesting fact about Mexico and it pine trees is that, this country has more pine species than any other country its size. The sierra Madre Occidental being the largest mountain rage in Mexico, one can find a huge diversity of pine species. There are 24 different pine species and most are located in the highland forests of the Sierra Madre Occidental.

It is import to mention that El Nino/La Nina have a huge effect on the pine trees, more specifically their growth.

The increase of global warming is expected to have some devastating effects on the pine trees located in the Sierra Madre Occidental. Some of these effects would be and increase of the drought which would cause the reduction of forest productivity and growth. Another effect would be that the increase of climate warming would also lead to tree mortality affecting not only the pine trees located in the Sierra Madre Occidental but also other pine trees in he surrounding areas.