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Social Justice stalking


Public Health agencies working with NIH researchers, religious-based non-profits, employers and educators organize to 'monitor' and 'socially buffer' individuals in the community that have been labeled 'hostile' by psychologists and deemed a high-risk to the well-being of the community and social justice. Research on ‘hostility’ and cardiovascular health is currently at the forefront of the Office of Behavior and Social Science Research (OBSSR)[1]. Unlike the label ‘type A’ personality, the stigmatizing label ‘hostile’ infers negative qualities about a person and implies negative affects on others. People unconsciously relate to stigmatized people differently and stigmatized people are acutely aware of this.

Public Health workers do not disclose to the targeted individuals (TIs) that they are being monitored. Furthermore, local police and government agencies are instructed that anyone attempting to report 'group stalking' or 'gas-lighting' is suffering from 'delusions of persecution' and to refer them to mental health. The onerous is entirely on the TI to document, gather evidence and identify the mysterious groups stalking them and even putting together their own police reports. Even then police may simply refuse to look at them.

If targeted individuals attempt to go up the chain of command to the chief of police, etc., the mental health community responds with a smack down by sending Public Health caseworkers to their door. When targeted individuals request that these groups explain their activities or have supervisors contact them, they are simply ignored.

Because of the lack of transparency and the inability of people targeted to report abuses or openly defend themselves against allegations, there is little in the way of these programs acting as agent provocateurs against members of the public with opposing political ideologies, such as those championed by liberals who dominate the field of social sciences: immigration, race, gender and sexuality. The use of gas-lighting by behavioral scientists based on second order conditioning further ensures that people attempting to report are dismissed out-of-hand not only by law enforcement but anyone else.

The that academics would have to resort to these tactics strongly suggests that the researchers working would be discouraged from asking 'wrong' questions or using data with 'wrong' correlations. Therefore the soundness of research in any of these areas is questionable.

Whistle-blowers targeted with gas-lighting have been known to commit suicide. Religious groups refer to covert harassment as driving swine to suicide.


  1. ^ <a href="http://obssr.od.nih.gov/pdf/OBSSR_Prospectus.pdf" target="_blank">Office of Behavior and Social Science Research (OBSSR)</a>