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How it started


My interest in programming actually started out with gaming, playing games I always wondered how the games really work. Being the gamer that I am I bought a local gaming magazine called New Age Gaming (NAG for short). The magazine later came up with a section where they give you a bunch of screenshots and using Game Maker you could assemble games like Pong, Tetris and Arkanoid. When I really got hooked by the whole game making thing I upgraded my Game Maker to pro version and started making my own games!

Getting more familiar with Game Maker I started to expand my horizons and started to learn the basics of HTML. I picked up the basics of HTML pretty quick and was able to create a simple web page in no time at all.

Along with the game making craze it wanted to learn how to make my own 3D models and started to learn Blender using a Wikibook called Noob to Pro. Having a brain like a sponge I quickly absorbed most of the basics quickly and discovered the Blender Game Engine. Since the Blender Game Engine uses the Python programming language I decided to try and learn Python.
