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Richard Quinney (1934-) is an American sociologist, writer, and photographer known for his philosophical and critical approach to crime and social justice. After earning his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin, he taught at several universities on the East Coast and in the Midwest. He was awarded the Edwin Sutherland Award in 1984 by the American Society of Criminology for his contributions to criminological theory. He is currently professor emeritus of sociology at Northern Illinois University.

Quinney is also the author of several books that combine photography with autobiographical writing. Recently he founded the independent press Borderland Books in Madison, Wisconsin.



Books-Memoir, Natural History, and Photography

  • Journey to a Far Place, Temple University Press, 1991.
  • For the Time Being, State University Press of New York, 1998.
  • Borderland: A Midwest Journal, University of Wisconsin Press, 2001.
  • Where Yet the Sweet Birds Sing, Borderland Books, 2006.
  • Once Again the Wonder, Borderland Books, 2006.
  • Of Time and Place, Borderland Books, 2006.
  • Things Once Seen, Borderland Books, 2008
  • Field Notes, Borderland Books, 2008

Books-Academic Sociology

  • Criminal Behavior Systems, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.
  • The Problem of Crime, Dodd, Mead, 1970.
  • The Social Reality of Crime, Little, Brown, 1974.
  • Critique of Legal Order, Little, Brown, 1974.
  • Criminology, Little, Brown, 1975.
  • Class, State, and Crime, Longman, 1977.
  • Providence, Longman, 1980.
  • Social Existence, Sage, 1982.
  • Criminology as Peacemaking, Indiana University Press, 1991.
  • Erich Fromm and Critical Criminology, University of Illinois Press, 2000.
  • Bearing Witness to Crime and Social Justice, SUNY Press, 2000.
  • Storytelling Sociology, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004.


  • Dennis, D. (1989) "Richard Quinney: An Interview" The Critical Criminologist 1: 11-14.
  • Encyclopædia Britannica. "Richard Quinney." (2008) Encyclopædia Britannica Online. <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1340924/Richard-Quinney>.
  • Martin, R., Mutchnick, R.J., Austin, W., (1990) Criminological Thought: Pioneers Past and Present. New York: Macmillan, 379-404.
  • Mobley, A., Pepinsky, H., Terry, C. (2002) "Exploring the paradox of the (un)reality of Richard Quinney's criminology," Crime & Delinquency, 48(2): 316-332
  • "Richard Quinney on the transformation of self and others: an interview," (2006) Contemporary Justice Review 9: 277-282
  • Schaefer, D. (2008) "A review of Richard Quinney: Post retirement" Crime, Media, Culture (2008)4: 294-303.
  • Shelden, R. (2002) "Bearing Witness to Richard Quinney," Contemporary Justice Review 5(4): 403-405(3)
  • Tifft, L. (2002) "Crime and peace: a walk with Richard Quinney," Crime & Delinquency 48(2): 243-63
  • Trevino, A.J. (1989) "Richard Quinney: a Wisconsin sociologist," Wisconsin Sociologist 26(4): 126-34
  • Wozniak, J.F. (2002) "Toward a theoretical model of peacemaking criminology: an essay in honor of Richard Quinney," Crime & Delinquency 48(2): 204-31