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User:Kevin SF/category-stats.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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/* jshint esversion: 8, esnext: false */
console.log("Loaded category-stats.js");
// Show link to the "Massviews Analysis" on category pages
if (mw.config.get("wgCanonicalNamespace") === "Category" && mw.config.get("wgAction") === "view")
	let initPromises = [
        new Promise((resolve) => {
            if (document.readyState === "complete")
                return resolve();
            window.addEventListener("load", () => resolve());
            document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => resolve());
    Promise.allSettled(initPromises).then(() => {
        let baseMassviewLink = "https://pageviews.wmcloud.org/massviews/?platform=all-access&agent=user&source=category&range=latest-60&subjectpage=0&subcategories=1";
            'p-cactions', // portletId
            baseMassviewLink.concat(`&target=${location.href}`), // href
            'Category Stats', // Text
            'ca-category-page-statistics', // element id
            'Shows pages in this category with statistics, such as view counts', // Tooltip text
            null, // keyboard shortcut key
            // 'nextnode' // Element to be added in front of