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Experiments with IPA


Wikipedia:Manual of Style (pronunciation)

(IPA: [aɪ piː eɪ])


[faˈmiːli̯̯ən]] [vɔrt], Plural: [ˈvœrtər] [liːni̯̯ə]]



Just click on the signature button above. --Kompik 12:21:58, 2005-07-30 (UTC)


Some useful things to copy and paste





  1. {{|a}}

Wikiversity Translation practice course

I don't know whether project continues - but here you could improve your language skills by translating wikipedia articles (they'll be checked by a native speaker).

Experiments with references



  • R. Engelking (1989). General Topology. Berlin: Heldermann Verlag. ISBN 3-88538-006-4.

Sport tables

Last updated: February 10th
MFK Ružomberok XXX 1-3 4-0 1-1 3-2 1-0 0-1 5-0 0-0 1-1 1-0 2-0
Artmedia Bratislava 2-2 XXX 1-2 3-2 1-0 3-0 4-1 2-1 1-1 3-0 4-1 3-1
Spartak Trnava 0-0 1-2 XXX 0-3 2-0 2-1 3-2 2-2 1-0 3-3 2-1 0-1
MŠK Žilina 2-0 3-0 1-0 XXX 1-1 4-0 4-1 2-2 1-0 3-0 3-0 6-0
FC Nitra 1-0 0-3 3-2 0-1 XXX 1-0 2-0 1-0 0-0 0-2 1-0 2-0
Dukla Banská Bystrica 0-0 2-0 2-2 2-1 1-0 XXX 1-0 5-1 0-0 2-1 0-0 1-1
AS Trenčín 0-2 4-0 0-0 1-1 0-0 1-2 XXX 0-1 2-1 0-2 1-2 0-1
ZTS Dubnica 2-1 0-1 1-0 1-5 1-0 0-1 0-0 XXX 5-2 1-3 1-1 1-1
Inter Bratislava 2-1 1-0 2-0 1-2 3-0 2-0 2-2 1-1 XXX 1-2 1-1 1-2
MFK Košice 0-1 2-0 0-0 0-2 0-1 3-1 2-1 0-0 1-0 XXX 3-2 2-0
Slovan Bratislava 1-0 2-2 2-0 0-2 1-0 1-1 2-1 1-3 1-3 3-1 XXX 2-0
FC Senec 0-0 1-2 2-0 0-3 0-1 2-2 1-0 1-0 2-1 4-1 2-0 XXX



This part of article Homer vs. Dignity was deleted by User:RobJ1981. (→Quotes removed section: take this to WikiQuote) When I have more time, I should move this to Wikiquote.


  • Marge: When did we become the bottom rung of society?
    Homer: I think it was when that cold snap killed off all the hobos.
  • Mr. Burns: You have thirty seconds to "wow" me.
    Homer: Well, sir, you see, sir. I've worked here a long time and my wife has a game leg and my kids have game things as well...
    Mr. Burns: I don't want your whining! I'm a bored and joyless old man! Give me a "larf"!
    Homer: A "larf"? Okay, what's in the news today?
    Mr. Burns: Oh, for the love of...! Hurl this (pudding) at THAT! (Lenny)
    Homer: At Lenny? But he's a war hero!
    Mr. Burns: Well, let's decorate him then.
    Homer: No!
    Mr. Burns: Not even for...four dollars?
    (Homer hurls it.)
    Lenny: Ow, my eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!
    Mr. Burns: Ahaha, that was capital! My lung is aching.
    Homer: I like when I throw the pudding.
    Mr. Burns: Do it again—I'll make it an even eight.
    Homer: You're the boss! (he hurls the pudding)
    Lenny: Ow! I'm in hell!
  • Mr. Burns: Let's keep the laughs coming, eh, Simpson? Let's say I make you my executive in charge of recreation. No, better yet... my prank monkey.
    Homer: Will you keep giving me money?
    Mr. Burns: I can't have my little monkey running around in rags!
    Homer: Woo hoo! (he throws a pudding at Carl)
    Carl: Hey!
    Mr. Burns: (horrified) What are you doing, man? That's Carl! (He leads Carl to an emergency eyewash and cleans off his eye, staring at Homer disapprovingly. Homer grins, nervous)
  • Kent Brockman: Whether you're Christian, or just non-Jewish, everyone loves Santa Claus!
  • "Yes" Guy (On phone): Mr. Costington, the most wonderful thing has happened! (Silence) A-no... A-no... A-yeeeeeees!
  • Burns: What is this? Some kind of force field around these vegetables!
    Homer: That's the sneeze-guard. You have to get under it to get salad or sneeze on stuff.
    Burns: Ah! Everything is so green and alive. (sucks the green right out a cabbage)
  • Burns: (sees a vending machine) Ah. A candy shop. Yes, I'll take two pounds of Bristol's Toffee. Oh, and don't wrap it too tightly. I'm hungry now. (nothing happens) You've made a powerful enemy today my friend!
  • Smithers: Sir, I have a small personal request.
    Burns: Of course, Smithers. Anything. (presses a button under his desk labeled "trap door", but nothing happens)
    Smithers: I disabled the button, sir. Anyway, I need some time off. As you know, I've been writing a musical about the Malibu Stacy doll.
    Burns: A show about a doll?! Heh. Why not do a musical about the common cat or the king of Siam? Give it up Smithers.
    Smithers: Actually, we've been booked into a small theater in New Mexico.
    Burns: Whoa, whoa! Slow down there, maestro. There's a New Mexico?
    Smithers: Yes. I want to go there and make my dream come true. I'll just be gone for a week.
    Burns: Oh, fine. I can amuse myself. (takes out a gun which shoots the comical "Bang!" flag) Curses! It's jammed! (after shaking, the flag gets loose and strikes Smithers) Heh, heh, heh. Hi-larious! (sic)
  • Homer (to skunks): Oh, am I glad to see you guys. You gotta... (gets sprayed with stink)
    Lisa: Dad? The panda was you?
    Homer: Did you see Daddy dance? They all saw me dance.
  • Ralph: Sim-Sim likes to boogie.
  • Moe (after Homer/Sim-Sim is taken away by Ping-Ping): Ha! You ain't gonnin' nowhere, cutie.
  • Lenny: Wow, I've never seen you have so many lunch beers before, Homer.
    Carl: Oh, I...concur. (Homer and Lenny stare at Carl) Word-a-day calendar.
    Homer: I'm just trying to work up the courage to ask Burns for a raise...or a highly paid internship. Something to solve my money woes.
    Mr. Burns (entering): Hmm. This must be some sort of cafe-torium.
    Carl: Here's your chance, Homer. Mr. Burns just...entered the room.
  • Burns: Take that back...for $903.
    Homer: I retract my statement.
    Lisa: Dad!
    Homer: I mean, screw you!
    Burns: Well, well. It looks like my monkey has evolved into a man...a poor man.
    Homer: Oh, why'd he have to say that extra thing?
  • Lisa: Don't you need to practice, Dad?
    Homer: I don't need to practice. "Ho ho ho! Merry..." line?
    Bart: "Christmas".
    Homer (grabs script): What? Let me see that!
  • Homer (later): Ho ho ho! Merry Everyone!
  • Homer: What can we do?
    Lindsey Naegle: (laughs) I'm a financial planner, not a financial consultant. Now, I'd like my fee please. (Homer write on one of Lindsey's business cards) I know you are not a deaf-mute, Mr. Simpson. We've been talking for the last twenty minutes. (Homer throws several cards at Lindsey, grabs Marge, and runs off)
  • Financial planner: It doesn't look like you've been saving anything for the future!
    Wiggum: Well, you know how it is with cops. I'll be shot three days before retirement. In the business, we call it retirony.
    Planner: But, what if you don't get shot?
    Wiggum: What a terrible thing to say! (Sarah starts crying) Oh, look! You made my wife cry!
  • Lisa: Dad, what happend to the back seat?
  • Homer: I spent it on gas money.