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Imperial elections of December 2019


Fall of the Franssen government


After the August 1 election of 2019, the second one that year, the Franssen government was formed between the right-winged Free Coalition, Right Coalition and the new party Popular Front (PF). The government was very unstable, as the PF wanted the government to make government influence in Korekhan smaller, so that there would be more freedom. In early October of 2019, the Right-winged PvR managed to pass a law that would change the Korekhan election system from a majority system to a federal-or proportional system. Leader of the PF, John Halvron, was really angry at the coalition parties for not going against this and decided to leave, resulting in a government collapse on October 6, 2019. A day later it was announced that elections would be held in two months, first planning them on December 10, but later on it was moved to December 20 to give the collapsed government some time to reform the electoral system. Later that day it was also announced the Emperor and the parliament would be elected seperately and that parties or individuals had to choose a candidate for the Imperial election.

Early nominations


On October 8, two parties nominated their Imperial candidate: Ialon of the PvKI and Mussolini of NK. On the same day, it was announced that the 1000 Representational seats and 100 parliamentary seats would not be chosen by popular vote, but by state vote. Each state would get a certain amount of seats in the Representation and Parliament, that would add up to 1000 and 100. The same 1000-system would be used to elect the Emperor. In the second case however, the 1000 seats aren't seats but electoral votes. The candidate with the most electoral votes would win, unless the amount of electoral votes for that candidate is below 1/3rd of all electoral votes.

On October 9, three left-winged parties nominated their candidates: Hallong (CKP), Hirc (SDU) and Frich (APK). On the same day, the PvR announced it would choose their candidate though a partywide election on October 20. Later on, multiple parties would announce that they'd also elect their nominees though an election, most of them being held on November 1st.

On October 10, five more candidates joined the race: Mohammed (IU), Hübner (KKP), Klant (NSP), Boter (KP-PP) and Przybyl (PNP). It was also announced how many seats/electoral votes each state would have, based on its population: Villania, Bironia and Macronia would each get 100 votes, Kronos would get 96 votes, Caatsos would get 64 votes, Outer-Villania and South-Bironia would both get 56 votes, Uternia, Erenia and South-Korekhan would get 48 votes, North-Villania would get 40 votes, East-Jovia would get 36 votes, Central Korekhan would get 34 votes, North-Korekhan, East-Migron and North-Joshuania would get 32 votes, Verolaland 24 votes, Crissios 20 votes and Bergen 18 votes. The oversees territories would get a total of 15 votes and the last vote would go to a representative of the Europekhan Union.

On October 11, Binder (DNP), Rinus (DP-RP) and sitting Emperor Franssen (LK-VZR) joined the race. A day later Antonius (PvKV) and Balden (NP) joined. On the same day the first two debates were also announced for November 5 and November 15. A 2% treshold to join the debates was also announced. On October 13 another two candidates joined: Sihveron (NLP) and Kjelberg (YTP). Kjelberg's nomination was pretty controversial, as he made some racist remarks in the past. He used this attention to promote his unique plan to make the YouTube culture more wider known and reform the entertainment system and promote freedom of speech. Another day later, the GSA voted for Koster to be their nominee and the day after that Woester got the NCP nomination.

On October 16, the first Imperial peil poll came out, having Klant on top with Mussolini and Franssen close behind him. It was also announced that a new peil poll would come out every two days.

The PvR, HKP and PF elections


In the PvR there was a contest going on between fraction-leader Mont and parlementarian De Zal. On October 19, De Zal dropped out, making the way for Mont to become the nominee. Because he quickly regretted that decision, he decided to join the election as an independent candidate instead. Mont joining the race resulted in the other big candidates dropping in the polls, so Mont managed to become the new frontrunner. This only lasted for a short time, though, because the nephew of his greatest rival, Khan Jong-Un Jr, joined the race after Martijnssen dropped out of the HKP nomination-race on October 29. Jong-Un Jr. quickly became the new frontrunner, with Mont and Klant behind him. Meanwhile, the PvO, PF, CP and O still had to choose their nominee. The first two parties elected their nominee on November 1: H. de Bruin became the PvO nominee, and Halvron became the PF nominee. Velvron, Halvron's rival, announced he'd run under a new party called the People's movement (VB) because of his hatred of Halvron. Another independent candidate also joined that day: Big Dick, a satirical candidate. He proposed some bizarre policies, like making dried cum-coins the new currency and lowering the age of consent to 12. A day later, the Independence Movement (O) nominated Nivado, while the CP nominated Sibundt. A day later, the opponent of the last candidate, center-technocrat Al-Lidan, decided to run as an independent. She was also the last candidate to join the race.

The first debates


Before the debates, Binder, Rinus and Ialon had already dropped out. On November 3rd was the qualification for the first debates. All candidates with 2% or more in the polls qualified. Because a total of 18 candidates qualified, the debate was split into two nights. After not qualifying, Mohammed also dropped out. The 'winners' of the first debates were Woester and Mussolini, while Jong-Un Jr and Klant were the 'losers.' Especially Jong-Un Jr dropped hard in the polls after the first debates, losing his frontrunner status to Klant and Mont. Other remarkable candidates were Kjelberg, who managed to let the YTP grow, and Al-Lidan, who was seen as a better alternative to Jong-Un IV than his own Nephew or Franssen. After the first debates, Przybyl, Frich and Balden, who both didn't qualify, also dropped out.

After the first debates there was a battle going on for the right-winged leadership between Jong-Un Jr and Mont, who also had a fight with De Zal, the other conservative candidate. This led to Klant becoming the frontrunner again. On November 10, Big Dick held his first rally, where he did a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure cosplay. After that, a large meme-community on the internet decided to massively convince people to support Big Dick so he'd get into the second debate. On November 11, there was another qualification for the next debates, with this time a 3% treshold. 14 people qualified, resulting in the debate being split again. Big Dick just managed to qualify. After failing to meet the treshold, Hübner decided to drop out of the race. Three days later, Antonius also dropped out. On November 15 and 16, the second debates were held. The first debate got a lot more attention, due to Big Dick's performance during the debate and Woester heavily debating De Zal. A day after that, Hirc dropped out and endorsed de Bruin. The second debate had a large argument between Halvron & Mussolini and Al-Lidan & Jong-Un Jr. In the end, Woester did the worst in the debates, dropping by 4 points in the polls. This event marked the beginning of a fight between Woester and Klant for left-winged domination. Al-Lidan and Kjelberg started to rise in the polls, making the centrist base grow. On November 17, Al-Lidan announced she would create her own party, Progressitas (P). This gave her campaign another boost, resulting in her becoming the new frontrunner out of nothing. Five days later Progressitas was officially registered.

On November 19 were the qualifications for the third debates. This time the treshold was 4%, resulting in 11 candidates qualifying. This time, Jong-Un Jr didn't manage to qualify, but still stayed in the race. After failing to meet the treshold, Koster dropped out of the race, endorsing Klant. Countering this, Frich endorsed Woester. This heated up the fight between them. Meanwhile, both De Zal and Mont made campaign-videos attacking each other. Jong-Un Jr's campaign was doing poor, so he tried to get the endorsement of other liberals. Sihveron decided to drop out and endorse him on November 23. On November 20, Big Dick held another rally, where he entered the stage naked and started having sex with someone else. This caused large controversy and multiple politicians asked for him to drop out. Dick ignored this. The third debates were held on November 22 and 23 and both got a lot of attention. In the first night, centrists Al-Lidan, de Bruin and Kjelberg teamed up against the other candidates, who were also having trouble with each other. Especially Woester had it hard, but he still managed to come out of the debate the strongest, defeating Klant and Mussolini and having a fierce debate with the centrists. In the end, Al-Lidan and Woesters were the clear winners of this debate. The second night was a less serious debate, as Big Dick entered the stage wearing only underwear (he originally wanted to enter naked, but that wasn't allowed). Mont couldn't take him serious, while Franssen and Halvron were having a laugh at him. This made Mont really annoyed. When he later debated De Zal, he couldn't take it anymore and had an outburst, saying that he's "pissed" and "destructive". Instead of him sounding angry, it sounded really weird according to many. The next day it quickly spread over the internet, becoming a meme. After this occured, he dropped in the polls again, while De Zal took a massive jump.

The 'endgame'


On November 25 were the qualifications for the fourth debate. With the treshold being 5%, only 10 candidates qualified. This meant there'd be only one debate. The next debate would be the first debate between all the big candidates and would have a huge role in the upcoming weeks of the campaigns. Jong-Un Jr, who again didn't manage to qualify, tried his best to make sure his campaign wouldn't die out. He called Mont out for a personal debate on December 1. This resulted in him slowly increasing in the polls again. Big Dick also didn't manage to qualify. Meanwhile there was a pattern starting to become clear: the right-winged race was between Mont and De Zal, with Mussolini probably staying in the race and Jong-Un Jr staying in too to take Mont's votes.The left-winged race was now between Klant and Woester, while Hallong would probably stay in the race to take Woester's votes and De Bruin aswell, as she was seeing a surge in the polls. The centrist race was between Al-Lidan and Kjelberg, with Halvron - seeing a surge in the polls too - and Velvron probably also staying in. For all the other candidates it was still a matter of time before they'd drop out. The next candidate to drop out was Sibundt on November 28, endorsing no-one. Woester constantly kept attacking Klant, resulting in him going down even more in the polls.

The fourth debate, on November 30, was a chaotic one. The right and left were attacking each other, with Woester & Klant and Mont & De Zal attacking each other again constantly. Meanwhile, they also got attacked by the center. In the end, Kjelberg, Klant and Halvron were the winners of the debate, while De Zal and Woester made losses. The debate was also remarked for the moment when De Zal compared Franssen to big dick while Mont got annoyed. The debate was beneficial for Jong-Un Jr, who was seen as a better candidate, while the candidates on stage were fighting with each other.

On December 1st, there were only fifteen candidates left. Only a handful of them would be able to qualify for the fifth debate. On December 3, only 9 candidates qualified, but still no Big Dick or Jong-Un Jr. This was also the first debate Mussolini didn't qualify for. The last one started to do better in the polls, though, after his heated debate with Mont on December 1. During the fifth debate, Mont managed to slam De Zal into the ground. Klant again managed to do better than Woester, and with De Bruin also doing poorly, he managed to become the left-winged frontrunner. On the right, Franssen also did poor against Halvron. Kjelberg also didn't do great, while Al-Lidan was again seen as winner of the debate. This debate would make the final shift in the polls, as support for Jong-Un Jr started to increase again. A day after this heated debate, both Nivado and Dick dropped out. A day after De Zal, who dropped really hard in the polls after last debate, followed. Another day after De Bruin, who had also been hit by the last debate, also dropped out. Finally, On December 10, Hallong also dropped out after realising it's better to unite the left than splitting it. After Hallong dropped out, there were only 10 candidates left.

On December 9 was the qualification for the final 'normal' debate, also known as the Villania debate. Franssen, Klant, Kjelberg, Woester, Mont, Jong-Un Jr, Halvron and Al-Lidan qualified. Before the debate, Jong-Un Jr and Mont campaigned a lot against each other. It seemed like Mont had secured right-winged domination, but Jong-Un was catching up again. In the end, the debate turned out boring for a lot of viewers. The left-winged candidates didn't really attack each other, but rather attacked the other candidates. Al-Lidan clashed with Halvron, with Al-lidan turning out as the winner. Jong-Un Jr, Franssen and Mont also clashed with each other, with both Jong-Un Jr and Mont doing well. in the end, the debate didn't change a lot to the national polls, with the exception of it causing a momentum for Jong-Un Jr, who was already high in the polls again thanks to campaigning between him and Mont. The debate was centered around the Villanian states who would vote on December 15. Because Franssen did poorly in the Villanian polls, he decided to drop out after the debate.



On December 15, the three Villanian states would vote. According to the polls, Mont would win North-and Outer Villania, while it would be a close-call between Kjelberg and Klant in Villania. On the same day, Klant, Kjelberg, Woester, Mont, Jong-Un Jr and Al-Lidan qualified for the last debate. Meanwhile voting was going on in the Villanian states. Polls closed in North-and Outer Villania at 10pm, while they closed in Villania at 11pm. Against the odds, Al-Lidan won North-Villania, while Mont won Outer Villania. Villania was a close call between Klant and Kjelberg, but in the end Kjelberg won by just a small margin. After the Villanian pre-elections, Halvron decided to drop out of the race after winning none of the states. Velvron stayed in the race, however, winning votes from part of Halvron's base.

On December 16, Kjelberg and Al-Lidan met with each other in Siriniuspoint (BIR). What they talked about is unknown, but according to rumors it had to do with Kjelberg possibly dropping out of the race. Woester asked Klant to unite under one front to win the northern states, but they couldn't agree on who they should unite behind. Jong-Un Jr and Mont kept fighting each other, both trying to win the centre states. Mont also had a clash with Mussolini, who tried to secure border-states. Velvron was also asked by multiple centrists to drop out, but he claimed to keep fighting for freedom until he wouldn't be able to. After the Villanian pre-elections, Jong-Un Jr and Al-Lidan surged in the polls, while Kjelberg and Mont dropped. The election was starting to look like a clash between Al-Lidan, Jong-Un Jr and the leftists.

On December 18, the colonies voted. On that same date the last Imperial debate was held in Kronospoint. It ended with Jong-Un Jr and Al-Lidan debating each other, while also attacking the other candidates. Besides that, there was also a lot of attention on Woester and Klant. They had a fierce debate and no winner was really decided. After the debate, Jong-Un Jr won the colonies. Against the odds, Kjelberg decided to drop out after that and endorse Al-Lidan.

On December 19, the four northern states voted. Based on the debate from the day before, Caatsos was predicted to be a close-call between Klant and Woester, while Klant would win Verolaland and Woester would win Kronos. North-Korekhan would be a close-call between Klant and Al-Lidan. Polls in Caatsos and Verolaland closed at 9pm, and Woester was projected to win Caatsos, while Klant won Verolaland. An hour later, polls closed in North-Korekhan, which was a close-call for hours, but the next day it was won by Al-Lidan. At 11pm, polls closed in Kronos, which was easily won by Woester. At the end of the Northern round, Woester was leading with 160 votes, Kjelberg was behind him with 100 votes, Al-Lidan had 72 votes, Mont had 56 votes, Klant was at 24 votes, Jong-Un Jr at 5 votes and Halvron & Mussolini didn't have any votes yet.

On December 20, 2019, all the other states in Korekhan voted. After polls opened, many candidates casted their vote. Just like during the previous three rounds, there was live tv-coverage on Korekhan 1. Jong-Un Jr or Al-Lidan were projected to win most votes, but after the debate and the previous rounds, some polls predicted that Al-Lidan, Woester and Klant might do better than expected. Woester hoped to win Bergen, while Klant hoped to win at least Bironia. Al-lidan went for the coastal states, while Jong-Un and Mont went for the southern-and central states. For Velvron there was no clear goal, and many people wondered why he was still in the race. At 8pm, polls closed in East-Jovia, East-Migron and Bergen. The first one eventually went to Jong-Un Jr, bringing him to 41 votes. The latter states went to Mussolini, who was now at 50 votes. Unfortunately for him, these would be his only votes. At 9pm, polls closed in Central Korekhan, Crissios, South-Korekhan and North-Joshuania. The first state was won by Jong-Un Jr, while Al-Lidan won the last one. Crissios was a close-call between Jong-Un Jr and Mont, while South-Korekhan was a close-call between Jong-Un Jr and Al-Lidan. Eventually, Crissios would be called for Jong-Un Jr and South-Korekhan for Al-Lidan. This brought Jong-Un Jr to a total of 95 votes and Al-Lidan to a total of 152 votes. At 10pm, polls closed in Uternia, Erenia and South-Bironia. These states were immediately called: the first two for Jong-Un Jr, the last one for Mont. This brought Jong-Un Jr to a total of 191 votes and Mont to a total of 112 votes. After this, it was clear either Jong-Un or Al-Lidan would win, as the other candidates didn't have any change to get above 333 votes anymore. At 10.30pm, polls closed in Bironia and Macronia. It was still a close-call in both states. Meanwhile, Mont won Hendrikland, bringing him to a total of 117 votes. Al-Lidan won the Hendrik Islands, bringing her to a total of 157 votes. At midnight, Macronia was called for Al-Lidan, now leading with 257 votes. Another hour later, Bironia was finally called, with Klant just winning, bringing him to a total of 124 votes. Al-Lidan got the Europekhan Representative vote the next day, bringing her to 258 votes. That was enough to win the election, but not to be elected Empress (it was below a third).

Second round


After the Imperial elections, no candidate had ended with more than a third of the votes. This meant a second round had to be held. The National Korekhan Institute for Peil polls (NKIP) decided to eliminate all candidates, except the largest right-winged, left-winged and centrist candidates. These ended up being Jong-Un Jr, Woester and Al-Lidan. Mussolini agreed with this decision, but didn't endorse anyone. Mont however refused to support this second round and also endorsed no-one. Klant decided to finally endorse Woester, uniting the left while the right stayed divided. Velvron also disagreed with this second round as he found politics more complicated than just 'three big ideologies'. He encouraged his supporters not to vote. A second round was announced to be held on December 24, just a day before christmas. All states would vote at the same time. A final debate between the three leaders was held on December 23, with Al-Lidan coming out of it as the clear winner.

On December 24, voting began in all states. It was projected either Al-Lidan or Jong-Un Jr would win. At 6pm, the colonies' polls closed, with Jong-Un Jr winning them. At 8pm, polls closed in East-Jovia, East-Migron and Bergen. These three states were won by Jong-Un Jr, bringing him to a 91-vote lead. At 9pm, polls closed in Caatsos, Verolaland, Central-Korekhan, Crissios, South-Korekhan and North-Joshuania. The first two states were won by Woester, the second two by Jong-Un Jr, and the last two by Al-Lidan. This brought Jong-Un Jr to 145 votes, Woester to 88 votes and Al-Lidan to 80 votes. At 10pm, polls closed in North-Villania, Outer-Villania, North-Korekhan, Uternia, Erenia and South-Bironia. Jong-Un Jr managed to win Outer-Villania, North-Villania and Uternia. Surprisingly, Al-Lidan won Erenia and South-Bironia, and of course North-Korekhan. This brought her to 216 votes, while Jong-Un Jr was at 289 votes. It was clear either one of them would win now, and the winner would be decided by the last four states, which were also the biggest ones. First, polls closed in Bironia and Macronia at 10.30pm. It was first a close-call, but Bironia was surprisingly won by Woester, while Macronia went to Al-Lidan. This brought Woester to 188 votes and Al-Lidan to 316 votes. 30 minutes later, polls also closed in Kronos and Villania. Kronos was immediately called for Woester, who had an absolute majority there. This brought him to 284 votes, and gave him an actual chance to win the election. The projections changed, and it was projected either Al-Lidan or Woester would win. It all came down to Villania, which was called for Al-Lidan at the end of the day. This brought her to a total of 416 votes, and she was projected to be elected Empress. After that, Hendrikland and the Hendrik Islands also voted, with Hendrikland going to Jong-Un Jr, bringing him to 294 votes. and the Hendrik Islands going to Al-Lidan, bringing her to 421 votes. Finally, she also got the Europekhan Representative vote, bringing her to a total of 422 votes.

On December 25 2019, Al-Lidan was officially announced to be elected Empress of Korekhan. She became the first Female leader of Korekhan in over 604 years. She was officially inaugurated on December 29, with Emperor Franssen handing over the Crown of Korekhan to her. Talks between Al-Lidan and other politicians began on December 27, to form a government. The Al-Lidan government, between Progressitas, the Free Coalition, the Right Coalition and the YouTube Party, was announced that two days later. The newly elected parliament took place between January 1 2020 and January 5 2020, and in that same period the government was officially formed. The government got a 2-seat majority in Parliament and a 19 seat-majority in the Representation. The biggest party in these two houses, however, wasn't Progressitas, but the NSP.

Primary-elections of 2020


Korekhan under the Al-Lidan government


On January 5th, the Al-Lidan government was officially inaugurated at the Holy Palace in the capital, Villanfohl. This marked the end of one year of instability in Korekhan. At least, it seemed like that. The 'peaceful period' only lasted a few weeks. On January 22, the Report On the Terrorist Attack on Khan Jong-Un IV and the young holy party (ROTAK-report) was released. This report showed a lot of shocking information that ruined the careers of a few well known politicians. First off, it was shown that Geert Mont (PvR) knew for weeks that someone was going to attempt to murder Khan Jong-Un IV, but he told no-one. When this was published, the PvR imploded in the polls and went from 8 to 1%. Jong-Un Jr wanted to leave the government coalition, or kick Mont out, but Al-Lidan managed to calm him down. Eventually, Mont left parliament on February 8 and switched with a PvR-senator from place. This led to the HKP still staying in government. The ROTAK-report also showed that Martijnssen, fraction-leader of the HKP, tried to influence the report, with an unknown reasoning. After this scandal, Martijnssen left the HKP and parliament, resulting in Jong-Un Jr taking over. The report also showed a hidden fight inside the HKP that had been going on for over a year: after Jong-Un IV's death, Prime-Minister Bustos was supposed to get the throne, but instead Martijnssen took over. The report showed that this was because J. De Bruin, mayor of Villanfohl, told the council of the HKP that Bustos sexually assaulted her. This started a fight between the two, until finally the council gave Martijnssen the throne to prevent controversy. After that, many of Jong-Un's policies were changed and a cold war inside the party began between Jong-Un idealists and Martijnssen and his supporters. After Martijnssen left, Jong-Un Jr gave some Jong-Un idealists a higher position, resulting in De Bruin trashtalking him in the newspapers. The HKP, under lead of Jong-Un Jr, took lead in the polls during February, followed by Progressitas and the NSP. Around this time, approval ratings for Al-Lidan and the government were at an all time high, with Korekhan being relatively peaceful and the economy was recovering from the chaos.

The county-elections of 2020


Every 2 years, Korekhan holds county-wide elections, traditionally in March - at least, in most counties. A handful of them hold it on other dates. During these elections, a new county council and mayor get chosen in over 3000 counties. In early March, campaigning for the county-elections started, with all national parties pumping in a lot of money. Some parties decided to combine for the county-election: the PvO and SDU formed the PvO-SDU. The CKP and APK did the same. All liberal parties, with the exception of the HKP, formed the liberal union. All conservative parties, except the PvR, formed the conservative union. The YTP didn't participate and instead supported Progressitas. The focus was mainly on Villania and the coastal cities, as it was a battleground for the progressive parties. According to the projections, Progressitas and the NSP would win most coastal counties, while the HKP would have wins in the center. The NK would do well in the west and the left-winged parties in the north. The PvR would face giant losses.

On March 9, controversy sparked after Jong-Un Jr called out J. De Bruin for her comments over the past weeks. They started attacking each other in the media, until eventually, on March 11, de Bruin left the HKP. This was a huge problem, as she was the HKP's candidate and sitting mayor of Villanfohl. It became even worse for the HKP a day later, when De Bruin announced she joined the liberal union and became their mayoral candidate. Jong-Un Jr got pissed and wanted to talk to the Liberal coalition, but they ignored him. The liberals started to grow in the polls, while the HKP fell in most cities according to the polls. Meanwhile in most coastal cities it started to look like either the NSP, Progressitas or a local party would win. Meanwhile, the PF was also surging in the polls. On March 15, a debate was held in Anario between the biggest parties in Villania. During that debate, Jong-Un Jr got into a heavy debate with De Bruin. Halvron was really succesful during it, resulting in him rising even more in the polls the next day.

On March 16, the three Villanian states voted for the county-elections. The PF did really well in most states, resulting in a Halvron-momentum. Four days later, the northern states voted. The results there were pretty expected: The NCP and NSP won there. On March 21, the other states voted. It became a tense battle between Progressitas, the NSP and PF. Until early into the night, it wasn't known whether Progressitas or the NSP would win most counties, but in the end Progressitas ended up being the winner with having a total of 444 counties. The NSP became second with just one county difference. The PF ended up third with 423 counties. The HKP, PvR and local parties had heavy losses that night. After the elections, the HKP fell in the polls, while the PF and LK-VZR surged.

Rise of nATC-20


Immediately after the county-elections, another event occured that would bring the nation - or this time, the world - in chaos: in early March, a new virus, part of the Autismus Virus family, was discovered in the Kingdom of Klanish. Scientists named it nATC-20 (new Autismusvirus Type C 2020). During the county-elections, it was only identified in Klanish, but in the days after that it slowly spread to a few other countries. While this all happened, the NKIP announced the 2020 Imperial election would be held a little bit differently than the previous one. First off, the votes would not be distributed anymore by state, but by district. Besides that, it was also announced that 8 different coalitions would be formed between parties: a liberal, conservative, nazi, workers', social-democratic, center, religious and minority one. These coalitions would have to choose one Imperial candidate for the upcoming election, instead of all parties nominating their candidate in the endgame. This would prevent chaos and make the voting process more interesting. Most coalitions decided to elect their candidate through a (semi-)national voting process, where delegates for the party-convention get awarded, with the candidate with the most delegates winning. The religious coalition chose for a simple national vote, with the candidate winning the most votes becoming the nominee. Immediately after this, Empress Al-Lidan announced she's up for re-election. On March 26, both Jong-Un Jr (HKP) and Franssen (LK-VZR) announced they'd be running for Emperor. In the few days after, Kolkerrin (DNP, lib), Doman (PNP, lib), Mont (PvR, con), Krialkon (NP, con), De Zal (PvR, con), Mussolini (NK, nazi), Hübner (KKP, nazi), Hallong (CKP, worker), Woester (NCP, worker), Meous (ACP, worker), Klant (NLU, socdem), Hirc (SDU, socdem), Halvron (PF, center), Velvron (VB, center), Terekas (VVP, min), Yallah (IU, rel) and Boter (PP, rel) announced their candidacy.

In early April, the voting schedule for the workers and socdems was announced. Their schedule was based off the normal poll-closing schedule. Both coalitions would start their primaries in the Lirhing colony on May 31, while it would end on August 19 with the remaining colonies. They would hold their party-convention on September 4th, where 3825 delegates would be awarded. On April 6, the liberals announced their voting schedule: it would also begin on May 31 with Lirhing, but end on August 14 with Bironia, North-Joshuania and Macronia. Their convention would be on September 11th, where 4304 delegates would be awarded.

On April 8, Korekhan reported it's first case of nATC-20 in the province of North-Joshuania. Extremists wanted the province to shut down until the virus was eradicated, but the moderates managed to stop that. After days of debating and the government nearly falling apart again, Empress Al-Lidan decided to put the province on lockdown on April 14. At that point, another province already got infected. On that same day, Joshuania was the first country besides Klanish to get over 1,000 total cases. The lockdown-debate was benefical for most extreme parties, while the moderates fell. This resulted in the HKP surging in the polls again, with the NSP and P falling again, the PF growing even more, and the NCP also growing. Al-Lidan decided to lockdown some more provinces later in April, resulting in her party slowly recovering from this hit, but despite all the effort, the virus kept spreading, especially in Macronia. Because the relatively soft provincial lockdowns didn't work, Al-Lidan decided to put a strict lockdown on all states with over 100 active cases on April 25. A day later, the total cases in Korekhan hit 1,000. Al-Lidan hoped the growth would slow down, but it just kept increasing, with the total cases hitting 10,000 on May 6. Al-Lidan decided that even stricter measures had to be taken and announced Korekhan would go in a national, strict lockdown on May 10. This sparked controversy, as some states weren't even infected yet. But Al-Lidan claimed to know this was the plan to end the virus, at least in Korekhan. On May 10, protests took place all over Korekhan, with even riots breaking out in a few places. But after that, the situation calmed down. On May 13, Al-Lidan announced this lockdown will stay until at least June 1. She hoped that by then, the active cases will have declined. Even though the growth is still high, it started to become stable after the lockdown. Meanwhile, the recoveries are growing exponentially. Still, the amount of cases has more than doubled in the first 10 days of the lockdown.

Liberal United Front - primary


Early polls and debates




Conservative Front - primary


Early polls and debates


Nazi Union - primary


Early polls and debates


Workers' Movement - primary


Early polls and debates




New Left Union - primary


Early polls and debates




Center Union - primary


Early polls and debates


Minorities - primary


Early polls and debates


Religious primary


Early polls and debates
