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User:Krone035/Low-Nutrient, Low-Chlorophyll (LNLC) Regions/JenniferBeau Peer Review

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Jennifer Beaullieu Peer Review

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LNLC Regions

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Your article is amazing and flows eloquently. I learned a lot from your article and all sections are seriously spectacular. The only thing I might add is the implications that these gyres have for various marine life for marine life, such as the importance of the Sargasso sea and the Sargassum alga the gyre is named for and its importance to baby and juvenile sea turtles in their first few years of growth. Possibly the implications of the great pacific garbage patch in the north pacific gyre and possible implications for phyto and zooplankton or other marine life.

At the end of the day there is always more to be added and everyone will have different opinions on what that should be. You already have produced an amazing product so take or leave these opinions. :)