I was born in 1990 and have resided in the area Greater Manchester since I was born.
I am a third year undergraduate studying Theatre and Performance at the Scarborough Campus, University of Hull.
I spend my spare time outside of education assisting in the University's Theatre Society, known as Little Rascals. Lighting Technician, Front of house and assisting directing are some of my roles within the company as well as generally assisting the creators of the company, User:Joe Berwick & User:SWalton91
Desktop Theater was a project created by Adriene Jenik created with Lisa Brenneis which lasted a total of five years, (1997-2002). It was a series of early experiments in networked performance, using online discussion rooms and visual chat applications, one of which was called 'The Palace'. The purpose of the project was to introduce a new compelling way in which the public interact with theatre. With online or live theatre, it introduced new parameters, all those that you would see live on stage such as gestures, emotions and speech were compressed into 2D and computer speech. The project had created over forty web-based performance's during the progression of the project.