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lara the great,

born on the 17th of October 1697. Lara was the emporers daughter from Nowray. she was highly privledged adn well respectd by the towns people as she was soon to become the next emporer in years to come.By the time she was 21 she crowned emporer of Norway.

As soon as she became emporer the life of a typical Norwegion had changed. The people were piled huge taxes, only for emporer Laras benefit. the populatoin of the norwegion people had gradully lowered as Lara took on the way of the English at the time,cruel and cold hearted. in 1738, Lara became very ill as one of her servnants attempted to poison her. BUt Lara was stron enough to atleast survive through the fatal poison killed

She then subjected her cousin Neive to take pver until Lara recovered from the poising . Lara also found out about the servant who had dared to poison her. Was then executed in the next 24 hours . while Nieve was in power things had changed the life of the norwegions were uplifted. and had begged her to kill the Awful Lara before she had gained strength to rule again.

One afternoon Nieve had paid a murder to kiil the Lara to please Norway. befopre the murdere even had a chance Lara had died in her sleep . Nieve to rule and norway was back to its usual self.