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Brandon Harris is a public speaker and advocates from Joliet, Illinois. Brandon Harris is best known for speaking on social media and self success. Starting his speaking career in 2015 Brandon Harris broke into speaking first speaking on using social media for political campaigns with the Will County Illinois Republicans. Soon after he began booking appearances through 2015. He published his first book in late 2015 and again went on a speaking tour in 5 states and he began to build in both the lawn & landscape industry as well as for the Republican party in Illinois.

In mid-2017 Brandon Harris launched Lawn Care Marketing Success his lawn care business consulting firm. The firm took to the groundbreaking into the lawn and landscaping industry and prevailing as a leading firm in their first year. Through 2018 Brandon Harris worked with leaders in Illinois Republican party representing over 65 candidates for the general election of 2018. Coming out of the year with 53 wins and 12 losses Brandon joined forces with Illinois State Treasure candidate Jim Dodge who received 1.8 million votes in November of 2018 and Dean Casper a master school board member to create Complete Campaigns, LLC a political consulting firm.


In the fall of 2015 Brandon Harris self-published "Lawn Care Marketing Logic" which reached 10,000 downloads by January of 2016. The book hit so well Brandon went on a speaking tour in the spring of 2016 even highlighting youth events for people such as State Senator Sue Rezin and former Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner.

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