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User:Leehyu/High School Rapper/Khascall Peer Review

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General info

Whose work are you reviewing?


Link to draft you're reviewing
User:Leehyu/High School Rapper
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)
High School Rapper

Evaluate the drafted changes


Hi, due to the lack of peer reviews of your article you're getting one from me :).


I think it would make sense for the lead to incorporate more details about how the show works, the premise, structure, and so on.


I wonder why you removed the column with the notes about mentors. That seems like a problem. I think making a new section for a summary of each season makes sense, but be sure to look at what's in the season-specific articles versus what lands in the main article. There are some other articles about reality shows that I think do this well, so definitely look at those and make some comparisons.

Tone and Balance

The article so far does have some problems with promotional tone. Take a look at other reality shows to get some examples of what it looks like to write with a more neutral tone.

Sources and References

Wikipedia isn't a reference -- just link to the relevant articles. Using Korean-language sources makes a lot of sense, but I do wonder if there are any English-language sources that could also be used? You might find some ideas in the season-specific articles to help you.


Overall the organization makes sense.

Images and Media

I think the article would benefit from some images, but finding images that we have a right to use is a big challenge. Under Fair Use, we can add a logo image to the main wikipedia article -- so this seems like a good step to take after go live.

Overall Impressions

You will want to do some grammar copyediting before you call this work finished. One challenge I notice is in deciding what goes into the main article versus the season-specific article. Be sure you are looking at these articles as you build out the main article. You have more work to do, but you're making solid progress.