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Mathew 24:29-39 bible reflection' In my distress I cry to the LORD, that he may answer me: psalm.. chapter 120: verse 1

In the the gospel Jesus asks us to have hope and he is trying to make clear that the hope , we should have is not the hope against hope rather the hope which has the basis for the fulfillment of an expectation.

In the early history we see people who were worried about the end of the world. Some people were basing themselves on the fundamentalist reading of the apocalypse of john, and they tried to compute the exact year of the end of the world. Because they feared the end and we see in them the lack of hope in Christ. History says that many have committed suicide to escape from those days of the end of the world. Just look around still world is alive and active. Dear friends Only the Hope will help us to stand with courage and strength amidst of all the inevitable twists and turns of life.

Jesus wants us to have great hope. That is why he concludes his answer about the destruction of Jerusalem, and inauguration of his heavenly kingdom with a brief lesson from a fig tree. The fig tree with tender branches and budding leaves is a call to the preparation and Hope.

The sprouting of the leaves is the sign of forthcoming fruits and it doesn’t mean winter is coming, it means winter is over and the summer is near and this summer can be hot, uncomfortable, and unbearable. But there is one fundamental truth of summer, sun burns bright.  It means the light of Jesus , burns bright. Jesus comes as a light  to shine in the dark world. 

Therefore we can say that the summer is a hope for the trees to shed leaves and prepare for a new beginning, for us the problems and sufferings are a gift to receive the light of the world, our Jesús in to our lives. So for us the hope in Jesús means we are alive now , Hope in Jesús Means we are made new now and Hope in Jesus means we are being made new in every moment of life . This means we are not limited or bound to the impact of the world.

In my distress I cry to the LORD, that he may answer me: psalm.. chapter 120: verse 1