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User:Livia.nelson/Advocates for Youth/Lewelch Peer Review

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Advocates for Youth

Evaluate the drafted changes


(Compose a detailed peer review here, considering each of the key aspects listed above if it is relevant. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what feedback looks like.)

I think there are a few routes that could be taken to add information to this article. For example, a lot of programs like this have specific orientation towards helping specific communities that lack access to resources. Adding a component that discusses class and race in relation to the programs existence could be useful for addressing systemic problems and intersectionality. Most of the information in the article is specific and to the point about the goals of the organization, but it is not specific in the populations they wish to aid. It may be useful to include information about the distinct differences regarding sexual education depending on the community one is in. For example, under funded school districts typically have less programs or maybe no programs that help educate their students on this subject. Additionally, there is a trend of under funded school districts typically being comprised of predominately minority students. It may also be worth discussing the difference in needs between male, female, nonbinary, and trans youths, and how this program intends to educate them.