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User:Locatesarah/Choose an Article

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Article Evaluation
  • The lead of this article was repetitive, especially noting the word "app" was used 4 times in 3 sentences which was entirely unnecessary. The beginning sentences are not concise as they are choppy and lack flow. As well, there is no outline as to what the article will discuss and elaborate on. Overall, the lead feels incomplete and poorly done.
  • CONTENT: When looking at the revision history it's evident that there have been a few edits made in the previous years, however, the content itself isn't relative as the last year referenced was 2020. There is no information about what the app has changed in the previous 3 years, despite it having undergone new updates. The content is very narrow as it only covers 'History' and 'Usage' whereas Instagram, another online platform in the creator genre, has extensive content about the creation and features that are offered. Therefore there is room for improvement in terms of this articles content.
  • TONE & BALANCE: There are no signs of bias, persuasion, or propaganda within this Wikipedia article.
  • OVERALL: VSCO is a very established and highly used social media platform, making it surprising that their Wikipedia account is so 'under construction.' I believe that this article needs to be thoroughly edited, making it a sufficient prospect for this assignment.
After checking 10+ links, it's clear that they are active and harvested from renowned, trustworthy sources like peer-reviewed articles and bigger organizations such as Business Insider. If I were to select this article for revision, the main goal would to ensure there are more current references.
For example, I would consider the following for sources to include in the revised version...

Option 2

Online Writing Lab
Online Writing Lab
Article Evaluation
  • The lead reads more like a scholastic essay rather than a Wikipedia article - this isn't inherently a bad thing as it demonstrates clarity and depth. There should be more of an outline as to what the topics of discussion will be in this article, however there is only a lead and a historic review.
  • CONTENT: This article is in need of more content as previously mentioned it only covers a brief overview of Online Writing Lab's (OWL's) services and history. There should be more information provided to readers such as it's features, updates, and where in the world this organization is most relevant.
  • IMAGES & MEDIA: This article fails to present any images. Without this visual element the article becomes less digestible and credible. If I were to select this article for my assignment, I would ensure there would be images that assist the reader in better understanding what OWL is and how it works.
  • OVERALL: This article feels as if it is a preliminary draft, in the very early stages. There can be improvement in all of the areas that I had mentioned above.

Considering there are only 3 references for this article, all of which from OWL Purdue directly, there is dire need for external research. This makes the article less trustworthy and far from complete.

For example, I would consider the following for sources to include in the revised version...

Option 3

Website Content Writer
Website content writer
Article Evaluation
  • LEAD: Overall the lead was well delivered and concise, however, it lacked a basic layout as to what the article will focus on.
  • CONTENT: The content within the article was relevant as it covered essential functions, how online writing differs from print, and what content writers provide. I selected this article because I think there is more potential to this topic than what has been covered in this article, especially as we learn more about it through out this semester. If I were to edit this article I would personally want to add a section about professions, policies and laws and how web content writing has evolved since the pandemic.
  • IMAGES & MEDIA: There are no images provided within this article, which makes the written portion feel unsupported.
  • TONE & BALANCE: The tone of the article comes off as neutral and impartial - which is a very important quality for a Wikipedia article to possess, that being said, the writing could be improved. Particularly, the sentences lack substance as they are surface level and dry. If I were to shape this article, one of my main focuses would be on making the writing sound more professional.
  • OVERALL: This article is in need of polishing, especially regarding the content that needs more coverage.

All sources appear to be in working condition as I couldn't locate any broken links. In the reference section, there are only 2 articles, which is not nearly enough to cover such a vast topic.

For example, I would consider the following for sources to include in the revised version...

Option 4

Article title
Work-At-Home Scheme:Work-at-home scheme:
Article Evaluation
LEAD: The lead was short and simple, perfect for a Wikipedia article. There was no 'fluff' or excess information provided, it was very direct and palatable.
CONTENT: Not all claims made in this article were backed by a source which instantly infringes on the quality of the article.
OVERALL: This topic is very modern and relevant, especially after the pandemic and a lot of people seeking hybrid or remote positions. I believe that this article failed to represent the victims, especially because this sort of deception is usually targeted towards older and younger demographics (vulnerable persons at large). If I were to edit this article, I would include some form of guidance so people know how to avoid this kind of thing, or so they can find a way out of it.
The article provides a long list of references, proving that it has been researched and taken into account many different perspectives, but there is always room for improvement. :For example, I would consider the following for sources to include in the revised version...

Option 5

Article title
Online Learning
Online learning
Article Evaluation
OVERALLL: This article is entirely a clean slate as there is nothing to critique or evaluate. I was rather surprised to find this article was still active when it looks as if it was completely abandoned. After viewing the version history, it's clear that people have been gradually making adjustments (the last change being in 2023). Similar Wikipedia articles, like Online Learning for Higher Education, appear to be legit, established articles - but this article is far from that. If I were to take this skeleton of an article on for the assignment I would include a definition, background, history, how online learning is relevant in contemporary times, the main demographic that engages with online learning, the effects, and how it differs from in-person education.
Here is a list of potential sources...