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User:Lotr tùrin/Largeron pierre emmanuel

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Born in Provence in 1991, Pierre-Emmanuel began, when he was 3, the violin lessons at the Vivaldi Academy in Grenoble, headmastered by Clotilde Munch, with Yehudi Menuhin as “godfather”. Then at 5 he played his first public concert and took his first master-class with Master Masayuki Kino, Concertmaster of Japan Philharmonic Orchestra. On 1998 he entered the Conservatory in Nice, in V.Bertoni’s class. He awarded a first prize at “Vatelot concours”, he was 8.

At 11, Pierre-Emmanuel met Ivry Gitlis and participated to his 80th birthday concert celebration, there, he met Richard Schmoucler, a violinist at the “Orchestre de Paris” and Head of the “Sirba-Octet”. In 2003 P-Emmanuel entered the Conservatoire supérieur de Paris-cnr with the jury’s “congratulations” « à l’unanimité ». He went to Japan in order to play in 3 concerts and to get a master-class with Masayuki Kino.

Awarded from “Bellan” and “Flame” concours, he followed master-classes with Teddi Papavrami, Roland Daugareil, Salvatore Accardo and Itzhak Perlman. He got his “prix de violon” from Conservatoire-supérieur-cnr de Paris (graduate, in 2007, diploma in 2008). From his childhood, he worked in chamber-music classes : in quatuor Ysaye’s class and in orchestra’s classes with P-M Durand as conductor.

He participated to a lot of concerts in France: Nice, Grenoble, Paris, Annecy, Pont Saint Esprit, Cannes, Lille and in Japan. He played as a soloist and in chamber music in concert-Halls such as Chagall Museum in Nice, the Tchec-center in Paris, the “Nouveau Siècle” in Lille, the Chagall Museum in Hakuba (Japan), “La Sorbonne”, “Salle Pleyel” in Paris etc... He played with artists such as: Masayuki Kino, L.Klansky, Mami Kino, Sumiko Kurata... He is also at the origin of the Festival-master-class: “Violon en Creuse” , which began in 2007 in Aubusson. Althought he is a classical musician, Pierre-Emmanuel shows a real attraction for movie-musics. In 2009 he participated to an adaptation-recording of “The little matchgirl” (Walt Disney ) and to a short-film music (music by V.Villani).

Pierre-Emmanuel plays a Giovanni Grancino violin from end of 17th century.