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Translate Aircraft accidents will never go away, they are case studies which the lugvaartgemeenskap as part of the learning process refers.

October 2006 brings a new chapter in the 20-year history of a plane crash that shows no sign it ever go away.

The accident involving C9-CAA was involved - the Tupolev 134A which Pres. Samora Machel of Mozambique on October 19, 1986 died - is an example of what our "controlled flight into the ground" (CFIT) call.

CFIT occurs when an aircraft lugwaardige control of the flight crew not deliberately crash into the ground, usually without the prior crew knows it.

Usually takes place CFIT accidents when a plane is in the process for a closer airport to land.


In the case of C9-CAA has kajuitvlugopnemer (CVR) a significant role in playing the cause of the accident to determine.

The interaction between the crew members is crucial to their performance in the cockpit to determine.

C9-CAA was busy after a long day to return to Maputo.

The vlugopnemer show that five members of the crew were lightly together to talk.

Eleven minutes before the accident when the aircraft at an altitude of about 19,000 feet, had it 37 ° to the right and geswenk toward Matsapa flew in Swaziland.

There are many on this speculated: The navigation officer, the plane aside by a navigation facility used only by the captain or copilot chosen could have been - without at all to lugvaartbeheer transfer or the facility to identify.

C9-CAA has now turned away from Maputo and in the direction of the mountains flew.

Lugvaartbeheer the aircraft cleared to 3000 feet to descend.

The vlugopnemer contains many references by the flight crew indicated that they were geographically disoriented. If all their navigation equipment, would their confusion cleared up soon been.

Unfortunately, they remain without consent reduced below 3000 feet, the alarm of the ground-proximity warning system ignored and at 230 knots in the soil vasgevlieg.


Closet Management Skills was still in its infancy in 1986, but in the cockpit of C9-CAA was urgently needed.

The vlugopnemer tells the story of a captain with a strong desire that no person is allowed intervention by his patience did not.

A captain who decided not to take fuel for the flight and who now had no choice but one in Maputo had to land.

A captain who decided the Maputo airport's power is off (even though he was in radio contact with the control tower at the airport) and that he is not the runway lights could be seen - because he decided the runway where he think it was.

A captain against his crew's opinion insisted a direct approach to do all he could no landing lights to see!

The last piece in the C9-CAA-puzzle is the language confusion about the landing lights.

The young lugverkeersbeampte in the control tower to the crew's confusion apparently contributed to take the request "Check your lights Runway" means "I check your lights" - in other words: "I see you." They then cleared for landing.


The investigation of air crashes in terms of the Lugverkeerswet the task of the department of transportation. But political interference, the success of the C9-CAA investigation clouded.

The foreign minister became involved when the South African Police asked him Monday, October 20, 1986 contacted.

His actions led to him during the Margo commission of inquiry asked him who gave the right to ignore laws.

He argued that circumstances have forced decisions.

This is probably true in the case where his actions officials of the Civil restricted to the accident scene to go, where the loss of critical documentation for the investigation caused, which admitted that the bodies - in conflict with another law - was handed to Mozambique, where the SABC-TV team access to the scene and give an interview with a survivor was performed while the international media were kept away.

But when little. Pik Botha an interdepartmental meeting at 18:00 on 31 October 1986 at the Union Buildings has invested, he knew what he was doing. At the meeting were himself, his Director-General, Ministers of Transport and Defense, the director of aviation safety (Mr Rennie van Zyl), the head of the Air Force, Margo, myself and members of the police.

Botha appeared at the meeting the progress of the investigation are discussed. It began with a sharp altercation between him and the minister of transport who exceed their responsibilities, and ended with Botha taking notes on what was said.

I ventured to warn him that the premature disclosure of information would be unethical. He was not amused and said he was aware of the facts.

Then do it in public statements to the effect that the aircraft was equipped with outdated instruments and alcohol in the blood of two flight crew members who got in the accident died. . .

Just as she was deliberately initial assignment to the South African police not the data recorders to the Civil handing, which negotiations with the teams of the Soviet Union and Mozambique have hindered their investigations. The recorders were only after a lawyer's letter on the afternoon of 11 November at about 15:45 without ceremony by police in Van Zyl's office'd dump. He had nowhere to keep it safe and had forced his office in a locked safe and a colleague to ask the other to secure.

In an attempt to leak information to stop the political climate to cool, the research teams, a protocol of confidentiality signed on 14 November. Botha had to know what he was doing when he Beeld (24 November) said he went to Maputo control tower tapes listened and a transcript of study - he obviously access to got through the representative of foreign affairs our team.


Three countries that are not best friends were not and had to investigate. South Africa as the country where the accident occurred, was in overall control. The Soviet Union, the country where the aircraft was manufactured, and Mozambique, the country where the aircraft was registered, participated.

Despite the political interference, the investigation went smoothly. The data and vlugopnemers excellent results with the Soviet team was very professional. What is causing the problems, the way the information would be presented.

In the Soviet Union, the investigating team full report factual data, analysis, findings and conclusion written.

In South Africa, after a commission of inquiry appointed, the research team a technical report, which was submitted to a judge and a panel of lugvaartdeskundiges. The Soviet Union refused to provide any public hearings to take part and join in the process. The Mozambicans still deciding until the last moment and then also withdrawn.

This led to the myth of "unresolved issues" that the South Africans the other of the process excluded.

In fact, South African of aviation, which still apply today, to the finest details result.

There is another myth: that the report Margo never accepted by the International Civil Aviation organization. This is nonsense.


Another myth is that the Soviet Union's report on a "foreign radio beacon" that the plane in a wrong direction was brought, ignored - it is simply not true. The report is completely incorporated in the Margo commission's report. The Mozambicans have also suggested that a rogue beacon a role in the accident after they played a "tent-place near the scene found". It was established that this is an area where troops were in the neighborhood volleyball games, but the Mozambicans were not convinced and unconfirmed evidence presented of a tent and generator there.

The Russians rogue beacon's theory has suggested a different area in Mozambique itself, near the camp where Mozambican soldiers the only witnesses of the accident.

Later there was the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) hearings on the C9-CAA crash.

It is held in camera, without a single aviation expert and a prominent radio journalist who led the evidence. Again, a witness on a radio beacon testify - this time apparently in the mountains.

But for the radio beacon theory to work, it is clear that moss all aircraft that night was in the air, had been affected.

C9-BAA, a Boeing with a Captain. Marques at the helm, was 14 min. after C9-CAA in this area, but nothing unusual noticed it.

And an independent investigation by a Canadian expert on behalf of Mozambique expires, it doubted that any rate change by a rogue beacon could have been caused.

After the TRC, the Scorpions conducted an investigation. In July 2003 it was reported that no foul play was found. And yet, says the Minister of Safety and Security on February 9, 2006 he said the investigation into the accident should be reopened.

Why? What did it with his department to do? More political interference in a new era?


I think Mrs struggling. Graça Machel to the circumstances of her husband's dead.

People with an agenda that is not in its interest that prompt her, she apparently believes that a crime was committed and she wants the culprits to the pen drive.

That is probably why there is renewed claims that the accident re-examined.

The 20th anniversary of the accident will be re-filled with political rhetoric that none will eventually allow the C9-CAA crash behind them to sit.

Especially Mrs. Machel not.

) Des Lynch was one of the Air Force's representatives in the investigation team that the human factors that contributed to the accident could have contributed to research. He is a former brigadier general in the Air Force.

Lynch's statements about my involvement as foreign minister at the time events, to say the least, incomplete.

I'm at 4:30 on October 20, 1986 by phone by Mr. Louis le Grange, then Minister for law and order, informed about the accident.

He said there were 30 to 40 dead and it looks like Pres. Samora Machel of Mozambique in the accident died.

He knew South Africa would be the situation with great sensitivity to deal with, especially as a head of state could be involved.

Of course he was right.

I Pres. P.W. Botha informed by telephone.

He agreed that if Machel was on board, I soon after the disaster scene to go along with the officials in investigating a plane crash involved, to ensure that we are not accused of insensitivity would be.

I said. Hendrik Schoeman, former Transport Minister, after consulting Machel determined that indeed the deceased was.

His response was that I as soon as possible at the accident scene to come, "because Mozambique is said to have shot down the plane."

His officials who work with the case, would assist me to ensure that we do not have an impression of aloofness onhoflikheid or generate it.

What Lynch seemingly forgotten is that Gen.. Magnus Malan, defense minister (and minister Lynch), a week or so before the accident flight a sharp attack on Mozambique done about terrorists from Mozambique, the country would be entered.

It Mozambique fueled accusations to make our air force shot down the plane.


When a plane of a neighbor on our territory crashes with the state under that state on board, did you not an ordinary civil lugvaartongeluk to do.

The Civil Aviation Act does not make for such a case provision.

There are volkeregreëls, diplomatic relations and the Law on Diplomatic Privileges in question.

I did the government of Mozambique in the morning before my departure to Komatipoort informed and invited representatives to send Komatipoort.

Min. Sergio Viera of Mozambique at Komatipoort me join.

We would go to the officials the scene lugmaghelikopter per visit.

Before we could take off, the pilot said we were too many people, the load is too heavy.

There were two officials of Civil Aviation on board. One went down and the other one, mr. Pieter de Klerk, went along.

I specifically told him he had for our guidance on the application of their rules.

Documents on board the accident aircraft had been requested by Viera to him after Gen. Johann Coetzee, commissioner of police, has agreed to (the police had already made photocopies).

At no stage of our visit, the official of Civil Aviation made any objection.

In fact, nothing happened which objection could be made.

There is a ban on taking photos of a plane wreck it.

The analysis of voice recordings vliegdek was a thorny issue.

Experts warned us not to simply black boxes to the Russians to surrender.

There was suspicion that it could be tampered with.

A few weeks after the accident we have with the Russians and Mozambique agreed on the procedure would be followed.

Due to the escalating accusations against us three foreigners of high standing on my recommendation appointed to the commission of inquiry headed by Judge Cecil Margo.

It was the American astronaut Frank Borman, Mr.. Geoffrey Wilkinson, former head of the British Department of Transport's accident investigation division, and Sir Edward Eveleigh, former chief judge of the British court of appeal.

The commission specifically the allegation of a "misleading signals" examined and rejected.

The problem is that people after such an accident is likely to have their first reactions to believe.

Mozambique's side, the accusations continued, today.


A book entitled A Morte de Samora Machel (the death of Samora Machel), written by Joao M. CABRITA, last year.

The Mozambique Information Agency (AIM) responded: "This book is just again the findings of the commission of inquiry appointed by the apartheid regime, as if something new - the crash, as might be expected, blamed on the so-called negligence of the Soviet crew. "

The book contains a clinical analysis of all available data and facts.

Hence my comment that a new or further research should be welcomed in the hope that the controversy will eliminate over.

In other words, if it is alleged that facts have emerged that the Margo commission's findings questioned, it should be investigated.

Invites all those who claimed that a false signal plane deceived, or that the plane was shot down, to come forward under oath and their testimony or evidence to the new commission to submit.

If it does not, the controversy continues and even worse because some people attach greater weight to the truth than fiction.

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