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The Continuing Time is a series of science fiction novels by the author Daniel Keys Moran, He had planned on publishing a long series of books set in said universe. To date the first three have ben released, and two or more others are finished but a dispute with the publisher has put their release in limbo.

The rest of this article was/is available at:

The note at the end, releases the information for free dissemination, so long as the information it contains is not changed. The formatting has been wikiified but everything else is as posted. The contact information, by now out of date, has been struck out.

1994 news release


D A N I E L   K E Y S   M O R A N



  1. The new Continuing Time novel is called Players: The AI War. It’s set in 2080 and follows Trent the Uncatchable almost exclusively; he’s in 90%+ of the novel’s scenes. It’s nearly completed and will be delivered to Bantam shortly.
  2. The following novel, according to current plans, will be Crystal Wind. Crystal Wind is the novel that was originally called “Players: Revolution.”
    The novel after that is the novel I told a bunch of people would be following The Last Dancer. This is Lord November: The Man-Spacething War. LN:TMSW is set in approximately 2680, six hundred years after the Trent/Denice stories. It’s a very big novel novel, and the first Continuing Time novel that’s really set out in the Continuing Time. Its principal characters are Tyrel November, one of Denice Castanaveras’ descendants, and Bodhisatva, a Pinkerton Agent who also happens to be a Trentist, a member of the Exodus Church, aka “The Church of His Return.”
    This novel was 70 or 80% done when Bantam, due to their success with Last Dancer, requested that I do the sequels to TLD next, rather than Lord November. This suited me…
  3. In my last news release, about two years ago, I told people that there would be two more Trent novels; there won’t be. I’m killing him in Players: The AI War, for a lot of good reasons — his death is, well, interesting. Even Trent fans should not be much outraged by it, I hope.
  4. Bantam has promised to republish Emerald Eyes and The Long Run along with Players: The AI War. (The Last Dancer is still in print, and doing quite well.)
  5. For a while I was selling copies of The Long Run screenplay. I’ve pretty much ceased doing that; but I am making copies of the screenplay available online. Several people have volunteered to handle this; I’ll let you know what’s happening with it as soon as I have more info.
  6. Several different groups were negotiating, at one point, with Bantam over adaptation rights to The Long Run. Nothing ever came of any of it; people at R. Talsorian Games, for example, told me that Bantam never returned their calls, which I find believable.
  7. After I turn in Players: The AI War, I will no longer be under contract to Bantam. With my new contract I thoroughly expect to make enough money to do this for a living – which should speed things up a lot.

The tales of the Continuing Time


Titles in italics are novels, titles in “quotes” are short stories. Titles in bold have been published.

Volume one: in the beginning…

Date Event
Previous Cycle
of the Wheel
7  Billion B.C. “Spacethings”
4.5 Billion B.C. “The Revolt of the Living”
3.5 Billion B.C. “The Time Wars”
62,000 B.C. “The Continuing Time”
48 – 35,000 B.C. The Last Dancer: The Dancer
5,800 B.C. “The Painsharing of Ifahad”
540 – 589 A.D. “The Lord in His Castle”
1963 “Remembrance”
1982 “Driving in the Dark”
2030 Emerald Eyes: The Ancestors
2049 “The Shepherds”
2062 Emerald Eyes
2063 “Faster than the Wind
2069 – 2070 The Long Run
  • The Last Summer of His Youth
  • The Long Run
  • The Wall
2072 The Last Dancer: Spring 2072
2072 Bordered in Blue
  • Sea Songs
  • Death Songs
2074 “The Mechanism of Desire”
2075 – 2076 The Last Dancer
  • Summer: 2075
  • Spring: 2076
  • Back to the Beginning: Dvan’s Story
  • The TriCentennial Summer
  • The Last Dancer

Volume two: on the road to revolution

Date Event
2078 – 2080 Players, Book One: The AI War
Players: The AI War
  • Trent the Uncatchable and the Temple of ‘toons
  • The Big Boost
  • A Good Hair Day (The Lay of the Rose)
  • Live Fast and Never Die
  • The Lay of the Rose
  • The AI War
  • Trent’s Return
2082 “Moving”
2087 – 2090 Walk Against the Wind
2090 – 2091 The Last Detective
  • Master of the Fucking Obvious
  • Deathjokes, Part One
  • Catch Me If You Can
2090 – 2100 Crystal Wind
  • Deserts of Glass
  • Crystal Wind

Players, Book Two: Revolution

  • The Telepath, the Politician, and the Thief
  • Deathjokes, Part Two
  • The Light From the Crystal
  • The Voyage of the Dauntless
  • A Revolt in 2100
2100 – 2102 “The Voyage of the Dauntless”

Volume three: the war with the Sleem

Date Event
2111 – 2119 A Song as Yet Unsung
2121 – 2139 A Tale as Yet Untold
2145 – 2149 Legend

Volume four: the exodus from Earth

Date Event
2290 “The Corridor of Dawn”
2291 – 2294 The House of November
  • Ares
  • Sondra
  • Richard: the First Lord of November
  • Lorn
2309 “The Lords of Shadow”
2341 “The Left Handed Hunter”
2347 Kinderjim on Earth
2349 – 2361 The Serendip, the Starclouds, and the Scout
  • Discovery
  • Looking for Home
2382 – 2389 Domain
  • Homecoming Day
  • The Domain of Kinderjim
  • Domain
2468 – 2501 The Always Rising of the Night
(Being the true story of Our Lady of Nightways, Ola Blue, who was Lady Blue, who was Leiacan of Eastersea.)
2614 “Honorable Enemies”
2676 – 2682 Lord November: The Man-Spacething War
2696 “The Face of Night”

Volume five: Camber’s way

Date Event
3000 – 3018 Young Camber
  • Young Camber
  • The Darkness Has a Name
  • The Hunted Man
3022 – 3030 The Winding Way Home
  • The Song of Camber and S’Reeth
  • The Song of S’Reeth and the Freebooters
  • The Old Humans
  • Mithian the Mercenary
  • Homecoming Day 3030
3036 – 3038 Lord Camber
  • The Traveler
  • Cities in the Darkness
  • The Borderland of Night
3040 Camber’s Way

Volume six: the time wars

Date Event
3106 – 3107 Comes A Man
Irrelevant In Time of Legend
Irrelevant All of the Things That You Are
3397; Irrelevant In All of Your Brilliance: The Writings of Camber

Volume seven: the failure of the map

Date Event
2964 – 3031 Platformer
3042 “Shiva”
3392 “Chauki November”
4600 “The Return of the Ultimate Webdancer”
7822 “The High Servant”
8864 – 8976 Anarchist
  • The Last Lord of November
  • The Way the World Ends
  • Anarchist
9082 End of Empire
10,400 Monument: The Day of Its Release
(In which the Chained One, Creator of the Great Wheel of Existence, is released; the Starclouds and the Zaradin return; heroes who died before die again; and the Continuing Time draws to an end.)
circa 12,000 “The Cold Time”
  • The Encyclopedia of the Continuing Time (Non-Fiction)
  • Tales of Old and New Earth
    • Other Times and Other Places
    • Tales of Old and New Earth
  • The Way off the Wheel
(In the universal heat death, as the Great Wheel of Existence collapses around them, a group of heroes searches for the Way off the Wheel.)
  • The Sheriff of Shokes
  • The Collapse of the Levels
    • Poison is the Wind
    • Winter’s End
    • Wild
(A fantasy trilogy unlike anything you have ever seen before, deeper and more detailed than “The Lord of The Rings.” Of course you won’t get to see it for about twenty years; a trivial enough wait for a classic of this magnitude.)

And, last but certainly not least:

  • T R I N I T Y: The Revolt of the Angels
    • Earth Angel
    • Sun Magic
    • The Poet of the Apocalypse

1994 notice


The preceding is copyright 1994 by Daniel Keys Moran. It may be disseminated freely so long as the information contained herein is not altered in any way. The author can be reached at D.MORAN8@GENIE.GEIS.COM.

1992 news release


D A N I E L   K E Y S   M O R A N

P.O. Box 667
Van Nuys, CA 91408


Okay, in response to the questions, for those of you who asked. (This is a very lengthy document; if you wish to download it rather than read it on-line, it may be available on your system as CONTTIME.TXT).

  1. There is a new Continuing Time novel. It’s called The Last Dancer, and it’s set principally in 2076, though there is a lengthy section set 50,000 years in the past. The book is principally about Denice Castanaveras, during a TriCentennial Rebellion. Trent is in the book for about one hundred pages; as I said, it’s mostly Denice’s story.
    The Last Dancer expands the stage on which events are taking place; you’ll finally learn something substantial about the Continuing Time at large, as opposed to learning only about post-Unification Earth.
    The book is more than twice as long as The Long Run, which is part of why it took as long to write as it did. Also I got divorced midway through it; and then my editor had a baby, so she couldn’t edit it for about five months; and then Bantam fired her, along with a whole bunch of other people . . .
    The upshot is that The Last Dancer is completed, Bantam has it and has paid for it; but the book may not see publication for nine months or a year, until Bantam has the first draft of the next Continuing Time novel in hand.
    You will never have to wait this long again for a new book from me. My promise to everyone who wrote . . . and wrote . . . and wrote . . .
  2. The Continuing Time novel I’m currently at work on is Lord November: The Man-Spacething War. It’s set in approximately 2680, six hundred years after the Trent/Denice stories. It’s another very big novel, and the first Continuing Time novel that’s really set out in the Continuing Time. Its principal characters are Tyrel November, one of Denice Castanaveras’ descendants, and Bodhisatva Sill, a Pinkerton Agent who also happens to be a Trentist, a member of the Exodus Church, aka “The Church of His Return.”
    “Once there was a thief, and the thief was God…”
    I think you’ll like it.
  3. There are two more novels coming about the Trent you have come to know and argue over. Unlike Last Dancer, Trent will have about as much time on stage as in The Long Run. The two books are due soon after Lord November — and I do mean soon. They’ll be published pretty much back to back.
    “You say you want a Revolution Well you know We all want to change the world.” — Lennon & McCartney
    • P L A Y E R S
      • Book One: The AI War
      • Book Two: Revolution
  4. And to close, some news about The Long Run, and Emerald Eyes, the novels that got everyone’s attention in the first place.
    1. There is a “Long Run” screenplay. It’s being shopped around Hollywood as we speak. It covers events in both Emerald Eyes and The Long Run. Copies are available directly from yours truly at $80 a pop. $40 of this goes to either AIDS Project L.A., or RLA (Rebuild L.A.). The other $40 is approximately what it costs me (time and expense) to have a copy of the screenplay printed, bound, and mailed. (You get to decide which of those two worthy causes your extra $40 goes to.) Receipts will show contribution.
    2. Copies of EE and TLR. Damn good question. If anyone out there finds a place where they can buy copies, let me know. I’d be interested.
      On a (slightly) more optimistic note, my editor said that Bantam would be re-issuing EE & TLR when The Last Dancer comes out. Of course, this was right before they fired her….
      Several people have requested that I make EE & TLR available as data files — a sort of literary “shareware.” I actually find this an attractive idea, and I’m thinking of releasing some short Continuing Time fiction this way — write if you’re interested — but for EE & TLR, I can’t. Except for screenplay rights, Bantam essentially owns those novels — I was 24 and naive when I signed those contracts.
      Inevitably all fiction will be available digitally; I’m disinclined to fight the inevitable, even if I thought it a bad thing, which I don’t.
    3. R. Talsorian Games is currently negotiating with Bantam for the rights to do a “Long Run” module for their Cyberpunk RPG. RTG seems serious, but I have no idea if anything will come of it; I’d like to see it happen, but Bantam controls the game rights to TLR, not me.
      This does not mean there will not be a “Continuing Time” based RPG, even one with Trent in it; however, it may be based on scenarios from The Last Dancer or The AI War, stories to which I control the rights.
    4. Capstone Studios, a startup graphics company in L.A., run by John Dismukes & Geoff Miller, is by an odd coincidence also currently negotiating with Bantam for the rights to do a “Long Run” graphic novel. Once again, I have no idea if anything will come of this, and it’s out of my hands. However, it looks very likely that The AI War, the next Trent book, will be done as a graphic novel, possibly even before book publication, regardless of whether or not “The Long Run” ever sees such publication. I do control the rights to that.

I want to thank everyone out there who’s kept the faith with me these last three years. The stories are coming; I haven’t abandoned Trent or Denice or my readers, or myself. I’ve been working on the Continuing Time since I was thirteen, and I’m not stopping now.

The rest of this release was the timleine and Related works as above.

1992 notice


The preceding is copyright 1992 by Daniel Keys Moran. It may be disseminated freely so long as the information contained herein is not altered in any way. The author can be reached at Box 667, Van Nuys, CA 91408.