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THE KNOWLADGE BEHIND OUR DECLINED GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA (LEADERSHIP) Biblical history‘ve made me understand deeply about leadership. Before we can correct things on ground, now we have to trace how it started. Forgive me, I we take you back to Abraham, then, you know so well that Abraham is the father of two brothers, ISHMAEL and ISAAC, this brothers pretend that they love each other but isn’t what they think, its only God that know the secret which is the secret fact (knowledge) “my people perished because they lack knowledge”. Whoever that diligently seeks for the knowledge shall have it. ISHMAEL: The first son of Abraham, who is in the right position to control all the affairs of Abraham by right as a first born in a family, but it ‘ve been push to his step junior brother Isaac, let me ask, if you were Ishmael’s shoe what will you do? It’s obvious that you we take drastic action to take what belong to you by right, yes; know body we allow that to happen, don’t deny that you won’t drag for your belonging by right. Ishmael is fighting to take what belong to him that is what all human being we do. ISAAC: Isaac is a junior brother to Ishmael, at this point in time both of them‘ve grown to a maturity were everybody can hold his position and give respect to whoever is due to, the senior one need respect as well as the junior. Every one desire respects even your kid at home. In every organized an educated family respect is given to everybody in a fair condition, from the heard of the family to lowest person in that family even a gate man. In the Bible we discover from genesis chapter 18 from1:19 were the promise son Isaac we be born to achieve God promises. Then genesis chapter 21 from 9:21 both of then‘ve been given a position to achieve, to lead and acquire as a great nation, God called both of them a seed of Abraham but God differentiate strengths of their seeds. Isaac, God said “For in Isaac shall thy seed be called” Meaning that Isaac own the seed, the tree and even the land were the seed is planted. For Ishmael, God said “and also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, he is thy seed” Meaning that Ishmael also part in Abraham seed but Isaac we be the controller of the seeds and even when the seed‘ve grown to bear fruits. So God‘ve wheal Abraham properties to his children before they were born right inside the womb, he know their names and their position to occupy on earth before they were born. “The greatness of man is known Spiritually before he is born on earth” By M, Benfran Two king can’t stay in the same community controlling or ruling a community at the same time, one must be submissive for another to lead. But in one community can Isaac give chance to Ishmael? Or Ishmael gives chance to Isaac? No! No!! No!!! No One can’t be able to be submissive for one to lead, in my understanding it look imposable, the possibility is when every we come out and pray both Muslims and Christians we come together and pray with one voice, but let me ask, how can both of them come together? It we be a very difficult thing,Bold teItalic textxt